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hepsim:dev_full [2017/09/21 13:49]
hepsim:dev_full [2017/09/21 19:18]
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 ===== Creating LCIO files ===== ===== Creating LCIO files =====
-In many cases, HepSim detector simulations were done using SiD-derived software.+In many cases, HepSim detector simulations were done using ILCSOFT-derived software, such as those used for ILC, CLIC, etc. experiments
-To create full simulations, you will need to convert ProMC files  to LCIO files. This is described in +To perform Geant4 simulations, you will need to convert PROMC to SLCIO or STDHEP files. You can convert ProMC files with truth-level information to STDHEP or LCIO (MCParticle) with full simulations using promc2stdhep or promc2lcio converters:
-[[hepsim:usage_truth#converting_to_lcio|LCIO conversions]].+
-Many samples posted in HepSim are created with the  package called "fpadsim" (**F**uture **Pa**rticle **D**etector **Sim**ulator")This package is under constant development.  +<code bash> 
-The contributed authors of this package since 2015 are:+wget http://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/hepsim/soft/promc_convert.tgz 
 +tar -zvxf promc_convert.tgz 
 +cd promc_convert 
 +./promc2lcio.sh input.promc output.slcio    # convert to SLCIO 
 +./promc2stdhep.sh input.promc output.stdhep # convert to STDHEP 
-  * D.Blyth (HEP/ANL) +You can convert all files in a directory with ProMC files as:
-  * J.MacCormick (SLAC) +
-  * W.Armstrong  (PHYS/HEP) +
-  * S.Chekanov (HEP/ANL) +
-  * A.Kotwal (Duke) +
-  * J.Strube (PNNL) +
-  * J.Marshall (U.Cambridge)+
-The package includes packages from ilcsoft, such as SLIC, PandoraPFA, and LCSIM 
-The simulation and reconstruction proceeds as: SLIC->LCSIM->slicPandora/PandoraPFA. 
-This digram shows the entire chain: 
-The input for SLIC are LCIO files with truth-level information ("MCParticle" table). The files 
-are created from ProMC files using the converter promc2lcio (included inside 
-the ProMC packages, in the directory "examples"). 
-This concept originates from the SiD detector(T.Johnson, N.Graf, J.McCormick, J.Strube), 
-and later was re-purposed to be used for generic feature detectors, including 
-proton pp colliders (S.Chekanov, A.Kotwal). The final step 
-of the reconstruction is PandoraPFA (J.Marshall, M.Thomson). 
-To create LCIO files with full simulations and reconstruction, you need: 
-  * ProMC file from HepSim 
-  * Simulation and Reconstruction package called "fpadsim-[version]". 
-  * Tag file which includes detector and the simulation and reconstruction sequence. 
-The fpadsim package is located [[http://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/hepsim/soft/ |here]]. It is usually designed for the OSG grid. 
-The tag files are also located [[http://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/hepsim/soft/ |here]].  They have the names "rfull[XXX].tgz". 
-After untaring the file fpadsim.tgz, untar the file "rfull[XXX].tgz". 
-There is a simple script "Test.sh" that creates a few events and illustrate this concept. 
-Note that the version of fpadsim is defined inside the script A_RUN used to create reconstructed events. 
-====== Changes in compact.xml ====== 
-If you want to make changes in the detector design, edit "compact.xml", and then run the converters: 
 <code bash> <code bash>
-JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m" +./batchconverter stdhep [DIR with ProMC files] convert to STDHEP files 
-GCONVERTER=lcsim/detector-framework/target/lcsim-detector-framework-3.1.6-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar +./batchconverter slcio  [DIR with ProMC files] # convert to LCIO files
-GEOM="mydetector" name of your detector +
-java $JAVA_OPTS -jar $GCONVERTER -o lcdd compact.xml $GEOM.lcdd +
-slic -g ${GEOM}.lcdd  -G ${GEOM}.gdml +
-echo "heprep compact.xml.." +
-java $JAVA_OPTS -jar $GCONVERTER -o heprep compact.xml $GEOM.heprep +
-echo "pandora compact.xml.." +
-java $JAVA_OPTS -jar $GCONVERTER -o pandora compact.xml $GEOM.pandora +
-java $JAVA_OPTS -jar $GCONVERTER -o html compact.xml ${GEOM}.html+
 </code> </code>
-where "${GEOM}" is the name of the detector geometry.  Next, check that you do not have overlapping volumes. Run ROOT with the commands: 
-<code cpp> 
-gGeoManager->CheckOverlaps(0.1); //0.1 tolerance or better! 
-If you see that some volumes overlap, come back to "compact.xml" and make corrections. 
-====== Pandora PFA ====== 
-All information required by Pandora algorithm is stored in the file with the extension ".pandora". This file is created using GeoConvertor, which reads CalorimeterCalibration.properties file. 
-In particular, it reads: 
-  * mipEnergy +Files in the LCIO or STDHEP formats can be used as input for DD4HEP or SLIC simulation packages.
-  * mipSigma +
-  * mipCut +
-  * timeCut+
-The sampling fractions are taken from the detector  directory called "SamplingFractions" +Many samples of HepSim were created with a dedicated FPadSim packageSee [[hepsim:dev_fpadsim|FPadSim section]].
-Here files look as this: +
- +
-<code> +
-BeamCal.properties* +
-EcalBarrel.properties* +
-EcalEndcap.properties* +
-HcalBarrel.properties* +
-HcalEndcap.properties* +
-LumiCal.properties* +
-MuonBarrel.properties* +
-MuonEndcap.properties* +
-</code> +
- +
- +
-Look at the file: +
-<code> +
-lcsim/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/pandora/Main.java +
  --- //[[[email protected]|Sergei Chekanov]] 2017/04/12 21:58//  --- //[[[email protected]|Sergei Chekanov]] 2017/04/12 21:58//