Dataset: "tev100pp_qstar_pythia8_mbins_slim"

Summary Comments
Name: tev100pp_qstar_pythia8_mbins_slim
DOI identifier: 10.34664/1575510 ( link)
Collisions: pp
CM Energy: 100 TeV
Entry ID: 95
Topic: Exotics
Generator: PYTHIA8
Calculation level: LO+PS+hadronisation
Process: Excited fermions in bins of mass
Total events: 1825000
Number of files: 365
Cross section (σ): 2.7838 ± 0.0263 pb Estimated from file Nr 1
Luminosity (L): 6.556E+05 pb-1   (or)   655.5882 fb-1   (or)   0.6556 ab-1
Format: ProMC
Truth record URL: Status: Available
EVGEN size: 22.706 GB
  Reconstruction tag Tags:
Fast simulation: rfast002 | Info
- / 0.00 GB
 rfast001 | Info
- / 0.00 GB
Full simulation:
Fast/Full size: 0.00 GB
Record slimmed: Yes
Events weighted: No
Submission time: Wed Nov 16 1:16:31 UTC 2016
Updated on: Fri May 19 19:04:51 UTC 2017
Excited Fermions in mass range pT=5-40 TeV. 10000 events per file, 100 files per mass. Compositeness scale (Lambda) is set to the mass of the fermion, so the width is expected to be small (see the log files for details) Cross sections are included in the log files (mass dependent) Note that data are slimmed (see the log file).

How to decode name

Name: tev100_pythia8_qstar_m[MASS]_[NUMBER]
where [MASS] is generator-level mass as given below:
Mass bins (in GeV)

Input card

Example for a given MASS:
ExcitedFermion:ug2uStar = on
ExcitedFermion:dg2dStar = on
4000001:m0 = MASS
4000002:m0 = MASS
4000001:mayDecay = on
4000002:mayDecay = on
ExcitedFermion:Lambda = MASS
ExcitedFermion:coupFprime = 1.
ExcitedFermion:coupF = 1.
ExcitedFermion:coupFcol = 1.

How to use

To get a sample with a given mass, use "glob" regular expressions.

Slimmed as

Particle records are slimmed (all stable with pT>0.3 GeV) and (PID=5 || PID=6) or PID>22 && PID<38) or PID>10 && PID<17).

File metadata:
ProMC version: 4; Nr events: 5000; Varint E: 10000; Varint L: 1000; Logfile: logfile.txt; Last modified: 2015-02-22 16:26:18; Settings: PYTHIA-8.205; ApplyParticleSlim=on;EventsNumber=1000;Random:setSeed = on;Random:seed = 0;Beams:idA = 2212;Beams:idB = 2212;Beams:eCM = 100000.;HardQCD:all = off;PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 100;Tune:pp = 5;PDF:pSet = LHAPDF6:MSTW2008lo68cl.LHgrid;MultipartonInteractions:bProfile = 4;MultipartonInteractions:a1 = 0.03;MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 1.90;MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow = 0.30;SpaceShower:rapidityOrder=0;ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on;ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10;ExcitedFermion:ug2uStar = on;ExcitedFermion:dg2dStar = on;4000001:m0 = 10000.;4000002:m0 = 10000.;4000001:mayDecay = on;4000002:mayDecay = on;ExcitedFermion:Lambda = 10000.;ExcitedFermion:coupFprime = 1.;ExcitedFermion:coupF = 1.;ExcitedFermion:coupFcol = 1.;EventsNumber=5000;4000001:m0 = 10000;4000002:m0 = 10000;ExcitedFermion:Lambda = 10000;

Nr Analysis code Output image Output data
Author: S.Chekanov
