# sidcc2 # 100615 ngraf ECalLayering = 0, 1, 21 # does the first EM sensitive layer sample a shower? (0=no, 1=yes) IsFirstEmLayerSampling = 0. # determined from single muons # values are RAW energy ECalMip_MPV = 9.6E-5 ECalMip_sig = 1.2E-5 # Cut at values less than MPV-3*sigma ECalMip_Cut = 6.0E-5 HCalLayering = 0 # determined from single muons # values are RAW energy HCalMip_MPV = 8.5E-4 HCalMip_sig = 8.1E-5 # Cut at values less than MPV-3*sigma HCalMip_Cut = 0. MuonLayering = 0 # determined from single muons # values are RAW energy MuonMip_MPV = 8.5E-4 MuonMip_sig = 8.1E-5 # Cut at values less than MPV-3*sigma MuonMip_Cut = 0. # cut at times greater than this timeCut = 100. # sampling fractions.. EMBarrel_SF = 1., 0.016630201989661284, 0.008438654785598399, 11.774056520950236, 1. EMEndcap_SF = 1., 0.01703143594635315, 0.008534297976391606, 11.013876980836622, 1. HadBarrel_SF = 1., 0.015399773245797601, 0.010224340062586393, 8.726619747396487, 1. HadEndcap_SF = 1., 0.01317263513986897, 0.008264912208331917, 9.155042746003543, 1. PhotonFitParameters = gamma_em1b_0, gamma_em1b_1, gamma_em1e_0, gamma_em1e_1, gamma_em2b_0, gamma_em2b_1, gamma_em2e_0, gamma_em2e_1, gamma_hadb_0, gamma_hadb_1, gamma_hade_0, gamma_hade_1 gamma_em1b_0 = 0.0190497 gamma_em1b_1 = 0.00120177 gamma_em1e_0 = 0.0189073 gamma_em1e_1 = -0.00201487 gamma_em2b_0 = 0.00778524 gamma_em2b_1 = -0.00110072 gamma_em2e_0 = 0.00753019 gamma_em2e_1 = 0.000822489 gamma_hadb_0 = 0.0414947 gamma_hadb_1 = 0.00347415 gamma_hade_0 = 0.0705389 gamma_hade_1 = -0.0419223 NeutralHadronFitParameters = neutralHadron_em1b_0, neutralHadron_em1b_1, neutralHadron_em1e_0, neutralHadron_em1e_1, neutralHadron_em2b_0, neutralHadron_em2b_1, neutralHadron_em2e_0, neutralHadron_em2e_1, neutralHadron_hadb_0, neutralHadron_hadb_1, neutralHadron_hade_0, neutralHadron_hade_1 neutralHadron_em1b_0 = 0.0173349 neutralHadron_em1b_1 = 0.00153095 neutralHadron_em1e_0 = 0.0269877 neutralHadron_em1e_1 = -0.0126375 neutralHadron_em2b_0 = 0.00894534 neutralHadron_em2b_1 = -0.000188045 neutralHadron_em2e_0 = 0.0163708 neutralHadron_em2e_1 = -0.00854284 neutralHadron_hadb_0 = 0.038105 neutralHadron_hadb_1 = 0.000840245 neutralHadron_hade_0 = 0.0691185 neutralHadron_hade_1 = -0.0391286 # These are the simulation output list of SimCalorimeterHits BaseHitCollectionNames = EcalBarrelHits, EcalEndcapHits, LumiCalHits, HcalBarrelHits, HcalEndcapHits EMCalorimeterCollections = EcalBarrelHits, EcalEndcapHits, LumiCalHits HadCalorimeterCollections = HcalBarrelHits, HcalEndcapHits HadCalorimeterMaxLayer = 39 # This collection has had the time and mip cuts applied ProcessedHitsCollectionName = ProcessedCalHits