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snowmass2013:analyse_d3 [2013/06/01 02:50]
asc [How to analyze in Java]
snowmass2013:analyse_d3 [2014/04/24 01:51]
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-[[snowmass2013:montecarlo| <<back]] 
-==== How to analyze in C++ ==== 
-This example shows how to run a program over all files in a certain directory, fill histograms (pT and jet mass) and 
-save histograms in an output ROOT file. 
-Look at the workbook of Delphes3 [[| Delphes3 workbook]]. 
-To get started, install Delphes. You  should see the library "" The you can browser the ROOT tree as: 
-<code C> 
-TBrowser browser; 
-==== Advanced C++ example  ==== 
-This assumes that Delphes3 is already installed. You have the directory "Delphes3" with the shared file "" inside. 
-Get the analysis file: {{:snowmass2013:antup.tgz|}} 
-<code bash> 
-tar -zvxf antup.tgz 
-cd antup 
-So you will see 2 directories: 
-<code bash> 
-Now go to the directory "antup"  and link the existing  Delphes3 installation: 
-<code bash> 
-ln -s  ../Delphes3  delphes 
-In my case, it will look as: 
-<code bash> 
-delphes -> ../Delphes3/ 
-Check that you see the shared Delphes3 file 
-<code bash> 
-ls -l delphes/*so 
-You should see "delphes/"  
-The main file which fills histograms is "main.cxx". It fills some jet variables and save histograms in the ROOT file in "/out" directory. 
-To run the code, run "./A_RUN_TEST" which loops over the existing ROOT files.  
-But before you do this, you will need to set "DATA_DIR" variable inside "A_RUN_TEST" to navigate to the directory with your "ROOT" files. 
-==== How to analyze in PyROOT ==== 
-If ROOT was compiled using "python" option, you can use PyROOT to loop over events. Here is a small example to plot transverse moment of electrons (based on the original code of Peter Onyisi with some modifications): 
-<code python> 
-#!/usr/bin/env python 
-# Based on P.Onyisi example 
-import sys,os,string 
-if len(sys.argv)<2: 
-    print "Usage: python file.root" 
-    print "Exit.." 
-    sys.exit() 
-from ROOT import * 
-t=f.Delphes # extract the tree 
-h=TH1D('ele','Electron #eta',8,-4,4) # initialize a histogram 
-c=TCanvas() # build a canvas 
-for e in t:   # loop over all events 
-  if n%100==0: print "Event=",n 
-  n=n+1 
-  for electron in e.Electron: # loop over all electrons 
-     h.Fill(electron.Eta) 
-if (raw_input("Press any key to exit") != "-9999"): 
-    c1.Close(); sys.exit(1); 
-Run this code as:  
-python file.root 
-====How to analyze in Java==== 
-MC truth information and most of ROOT files with Delphes outputs 
- are stored in the PROMC file format which can be analyzed on any platform. 
- --- //[[[email protected]|Sergei Chekanov]] 2013/03/13 10:23// 
snowmass2013/analyse_d3.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/04/24 01:51 (external edit)