====== Measurements of Higgs properties ====== **Eric Feng, in collaboration with HSG1, HSG2, and HSG7 groups** Analysis: //H->gg// \\ Observables: Polar angular distribution, with sideband subtraction of backgrounds \\ Property: Higgs spin (0 vs. 2) \\ Data sample: Full 2012 data with ~25 fb-1 lumi \\ Twiki: [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/AtlasProtected/HiggsGamGam | HSG1 twiki ]] \\ Analysis: //H->ZZ->4l// \\ Observables: Masses of two Z bosons; angles between two Z decay planes; angles of leptons within Z decay planes \\ Property: Higgs spin (0 vs. 2) and parity (even vs. odd) \\ Data sample: Full 2012 data with ~25 fb-1 lumi \\ Twiki: [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/AtlasProtected/HiggsZZstar | HSG2 twiki]] \\