====== Introduction ====== Check also: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/Tier3gStartingCondor ===== Changes to iptables ===== Edit the */etc/sysconfig/iptables* file to add these lines ahead of the reject line # Condor additions -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s -m state --state ESTABLISHED,NEW -p tcp -m tcp --dport 9000:10000 -j ACCEPT # Condor additions -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s -m state --state ESTABLISHED,NEW -p udp -m udp --dport 9000:10000 -j ACCEPT # mkdir /export/home/shared cd /export/home/shared wget http://newbio.cs.wisc.edu/zkm/condor-7.4.8-linux-x86-rel5-dymamic-1.x86_64.rpm cd /root/ rpm -i --test /export/home/shared/condor-7.4.0-linux-x86_64-.... rpm -i /export/home/share/condor-7.4.0 .... cd /opt/condor-7.4.0/etc/examples edit condor.init. Look for "error program not found" /usr/sbin/$prog goes to /opt/condor/sbin/$prog cp /opt/condor-7.4.0/condor.sh /etc/sysconfig/condor #edit condor CONDOR_CONFIG="/export/share/condor-etc/condor_config" cd ../../ cp etc/examples/condor.init /etc/init.d/condor /sbin/chkconfig --level 235 condor on /sbin/chkconfig --list condor chmod 755 /etc/init.d/condor mkdir /var/run/condor chown condor:condor /var/run/condor cd etc/ # edit condor_config RELEASE_DIR = /opt/condor LOCAL_DIR = /local/condor LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = /export/share/condor-etc/condor_config.$(HOSTNAME).local CONDOR_ADMIN = UID_DOMAIN = cs.wisc.edu FILESYSTEM_DOMAIN = $(UID_DOMAIN) ALLOW_WRITE = *.$(UID_DOMAIN) at the end of the file add SEC_DAEMON_AUTHENTICATION = required SEC_DAEMON_AUTHENTICATION_METHODS = password #change this to different method SEC_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_METHODS = password,fs,gsi,kerberos SEC_PASSWORD_FILE = /local/condor/condor_credential ALLOW_DAEMON = condor_pool@* cd ../local.glow-223 (condor manager) # edit condor_config.local CONDOR_HOST = glow-c223.es.wisc.edu #LOCAL_DIR #CONDOR_ADMIN DAEMON_LIST= COLLECTOR, MASTER, NEGOTIATOR (for condor master) cp condor_config.local /export/share/condor-etc/condor_config.glow-c223.local cp /etc/sysconfig/condor /opt/condor/condor.sh #checking source /opt/condor/condor.sh echo $CONDOR_CONFIG should be /export/share/condor-etc/condor_config condor_config_val RELEASE_DIR should be /opt/condor condor_config_val LOCAL_DIR should be /local/condor #set up local space mkdir /local/condor chown condor:condor /local/condor cd /opt/condor/local.glow-c223/ mv execute/ log/ spool/ /local/condor/ #set password condor_store_cred -c add (enter password) #start condor /etc/init.d/condor start (should say ok) #check condor_config_val log (should be /local/condor/log) cd /local/condor/log #check Master log condor_status -negotiator Instructions - transcript v2: #rpm -i condor.rpm # make sure that there is a repository configuration file /etc/yum.repos.d/condor.repo yum install condor ln -s /opt/condor-7.4.0 /opt/condor ## set up init.d so condor starts automatically vi /opt/condor/condor.sh + fix CONDOR_CONFIG to /export/share/condor-etc + fix path to /opt/condor/bin /opt/condor/sbin cp /opt/condor/condor.sh /etc/sysconfig/condor chmod 755 /opt/condor/etc/examples/condor.init vi /opt/condor/etc/examples/condor.init + change /usr/sbin/$prog to /opt/condor/sbin/$prog cp /opt/condor/etc/examples/condor.init /etc/init.d/condor chkconfig --level 235 condor on mkdir /var/run/condor chown condor:condor /var/run/condor ## central manager only: RELEASE_DIR = /opt/condor LOCAL_DIR = /local/condor LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = /export/share/condor-etc/condor_config.$(HOSTNAME).local #CONDOR_ADMIN = #UID_DOMAIN = cs.wisc.edu #FILE_SYSTEM_DOMAIN = $(UID_DOMAIN) COLLECTOR_NAME = ALLOW_WRITE = *.$(UID_DOMAIN) # search for LOWPORT and add IN_HIGHPORT = 9999 IN_LOWPORT = 9000 at end of file: SEC_DAEMON_AUTHENTICATION = Required SEC_DAEMON_AUTHENTICATION_METHODS = PASSWORD SEC_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_METHODS = PASSWORD,FS,GSI,KERBEROS SEC_PASSWORD_FILE=/local/condor/condor_credential ALLOW_DAEMON=condor_pool@* ## On all condor nodes vi /opt/condor/local.*/condor_config.local #CONDOR_HOST #RELEASE_DIR #CONDOR_ADMIN DAEMON_LIST cp /opt/condor/local.*/condor_config.local /export/share/condor-etc/condor_config.<name>.local #this will not work on hosts not owning the NFS shared directory (root squash) #from the NFS master scp <name>:'/opt/condor/local.*/condor_config.local' /export/share/condor-etc/condor_config.<name>.local #E.g. scp glow-c226:'/opt/condor/local.*/condor_config.local' /export/share/condor-etc/condor_config.glow-c226.local ## set up condor's local space mkdir /local/condor chown condor:condor /local/condor cd /opt/condor/local.<name>/ mv execute log spool /local/condor ## set up password authentication source /opt/condor/condor.sh condor_store_cred -c add ## iptables may interfere with condor: # set -- Main.RikYoshida - 04 Nov 2009