====== Eclipse ====== This example touches only the basics. Some of our colleagues managed to integrate Eclipse with the ATLAS TDAQ environment: [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Sandbox/TdaqSwEclipse]] ===== Install Java and Eclipse ===== - If you do not have Java, please download and install it. Eclipse needs it. - Download "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers" from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ - Extract folder "eclipse" to a location where you want to store the executable. E.G. C:\Program Files\ - Enter the folder and execute "eclipse". It will ask you for location of the workspace. That's where the source code is stored. For ANL, eclipse is installed in /share/sl6/eclipse/ directory. ===== Install SVN plugins ===== - Run Eclipse and select Help > Install New Software... from the main menu. - Enter "http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno" in "work with" and click "Add..." - Select "Collaboration -> Subversive SVN team provider" and install it. - Restart Eclipse - Select Help -> Install New Software... from the main menu. - Enter [[http://community.polarion.com/projects/subversive/download/eclipse/4.0/luna-site/]] in "work with" and click "Add..." - Select "Subversive SVN Connectors" and "SVN Kit" and install them. - Restart Eclipse. ===== Access CERN SVN ===== - Window -> Open perspective -> SVN Repository Exploring - Add New Repository Location. Enter [[svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff]] - Use your CERN username and password. - You can also do that to your private SVN repository. - Select AnalysisSUSY -> trunk -> packages.rc - Right click on the file and select "Show history" - Compare tag 620896 to the previous revision. - Now you can see what has changed. When the change was made. Who did that. The comments are also displayed. ===== Import a package from SVN ===== - Return to "C/C++ Perspective": click the icon in the upper-right corner of the window. - Right-click on "Project Explorer" and click "import". - Select "SVN" -> "Project from SVN". "Next" -> "Browse". - Navigate to PhysicsAnalysis -> SYSYPhys -> SUSYTools -> tags -> SUSYTools-00-05-00-13 - Select "Check out as a project with the name specified:". The project will appear in the Project Explorer. - Go to src --> SUSYToolsAlg.cxx and double-click on the file. - Right-click on the project name. Select "New -> Covert to a C/C++ Project". - Select "C Project. Uncheck "Specify project type". - Now the syntax checking, indexing, and autocomplete are enabled. ===== Edit the code ===== - Press Shift+Ctrl+F - It will auto-alight the code. - Go to line 128 and type "jets_" and press "Ctrl+Space". The auto-coplete will finish the name. - Delete "jets_shallowCopy" and enter ";" instead. - Let's commit that into the SVN repository. - Right-click on SUSYToolsAlg.cxx and select "Team -> Commit...". - Select "Yes." Enter your comment and click "OK". - Ops.. we do not have permissions to do that. - Well, that is how you synchronize your code with a repository. - Right-click on SUSYToolsAlg.cxx and select "Team -> Revert". The file is returned to the original state. ===== Add libraries ===== - You may want to keep your code aware of external libraries (e.g. ROOT).