[[asc:workbook| <export SVNROOT=/users/svn No, you can try to get ANL packages. This example shows how to retrieve "HighETjets" package: svn co file:///$SVNROOT/HighETjets/HighETjets/trunk HighETjets This will copy the trunk into the "HighETjets" directory. Similarly, one can retrive any package shown in [[http://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/asc/WebSVN/|WebSVN]] The general rule to retrive a package is the command: svn co file:///$SVNROOT/[Package]/[Package]/trunk [Package] where [Package] is your package name. ====== Making updates ====== If you decide to make updates of the package, use the link [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/SoftwareDevelopmentWorkBookSVN#Looking_at_and_modifying_checked|SoftwareDevelopmentWorkBookSVN]] for more information. Generally, this is what you should do: cd inside the package (i.e., from where you can see "cmt", "share","src" directories) and type: svn update svn ci -m " put here some comment" ====== Creating a new SVN package ====== If you setup atlas release, this variable will not be set correctly, so always check "$SVNROOT". Then use svn commands as usual. For example, to put a new package (MyPackage), use this example: svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /users/svn/MyPackage svn mkdir file:///users/svn/MyPackage/MyPackage svn import . file:///users/svn/MyPackage/MyPackaga/trunk -m "Initial import" or send email to me (chakanau@hep.anl.gov) to create a new directory in the svn repository. To make the package to be visible on WebSVN, send email to me and I'll synchronize this directory with the web server. ====== SVN setup to access CERN repository ====== Look at the [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/SoftwareDevelopmentWorkBookSVN|SVN twiki]] As before, run the command: kinit username@CERN.CH Then you should export this variable: export SVNROOT=svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff In order to access a project using SSH authentication, just execute this: $ svn co svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/ or if you use a different username for LXPLUS: $ svn co svn+ssh://@svn.cern.ch/reps/ Or you can do this: If your name at CERN different, you should create a file "config" inside ".ssh" directory and add: Host svn.cern.ch User USER_NAME_AT_CERN GSSAPIAuthentication yes GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes Protocol 2 ForwardX11 no replace USER_NAME_AT_CERN by your actual user name at CERN). If you are not at CERN, see configuration advice for Windows and Linux/Unix, or just log on LXPLUS at CERN: $ ssh @lxplus.cern.ch In order to access a project using https authorization, just execute this: $ svn co https://svn.cern.ch/reps/ --- //[[chekanov@gmail.com|Sergei Chekanov]] 2011/03/09 17:30//