===== Building Pythia on BlueGene/Q =====
==== Part 1: Build HepMC Library ====
- Check out HepMC from SVN: svn co svn+ssh://username@atlas1.hep.anl.gov/users/svn/hpc/tools/HepMC-2.06.08
- Inside the HepMC folder run ./bgq-make.sh
==== Part 2: Build Pythia Library ====
- Check out Pythia from SVN: svn co svn+ssh://username@atlas1.hep.anl.gov/users/svn/hpc/generators/pythia/v8180/bgq/trunk
- Inside the Pythia folder run ./bgq-make.sh
==== Part 3: Build Pythia Executable ====
- Check out TCLAP from SVN: svn co svn+ssh://username@atlas1.hep.anl.gov/users/svn/hpc/tools/tclap-1.2.1
- Check out Pythia user code from SVN: svn co svn+ssh://username@atlas1.hep.anl.gov/users/svn/hpc/generators/pythia/usercode
- Inside the ''usercode'' folder you will find different programs written to use Pythia. As of this writting there was only one:
* ''alpToHepmc/runPythiaOnAlpgen.cpp'' which can be used to shower Alpgen events and output HepMC format
* There is a ''Makefile'' which can be used to make an executable, be sure to edit the paths inside the ''Makefile'' to point to the HepMC/Pythia/TCLAP installations
===== Pythia Performance =====
==== On ''acinode.hep.anl.gov'' ====
This is the Pythia performance on ''ascinode.hep.anl.gov'' while hadronizing Alpgen Z+N-jet events.
* 'N Showered Events' are the number of events Pythia showered during the test.
* 'CPU Time' are the seconds reported by the 'time' command line that it took Pythia to run.
* 'Rate' = 'N Showered Events'/'CPU Time'
* 'Accepted Events' are the number of events that passed the Jet Matching that Pythia performs in order to avoid double counting.
* 'Acceptance Efficieny' = 'Accepted Events'/'N Showered Events'
* 'Accepted Rate' = 'Accepted Events'/'CPU Time'
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