============ LCGCMake Installation Notes ====== This page documents my attempts to install the LCG software core on various non-traditional machines. The basic installation instructions are here for a standard Scientific Linix CERN 6 installation: LCGCMake SLC6 Installation ===== Installing on Cooley@ALCF ===== ==== Setup ==== * Clean Cooley Login (nothing from ''.softrc.cooley'') * Create working directory * ''mkdir /path/to/lcg'' * ''export $LCG_PROJECT_PATH=/path/to/lcg'' * ''cd $LCG_PROJECT_PATH'' * ''soft add +cmake'' * ''soft add +gcc-4.8.1'' ==== Install Dependencies ==== * ''mkdir dependencies'' * ''cd dependencies'' * ''mkdir install'' === procmail === * ''wget %%ftp://ftp.ucsb.edu/pub/mirrors/procmail/procmail-3.22.tar.gz%%'' * ''tar zxf procmail-3.22.tar.gz'' * ''cd procmail-3.22'' * ''make lockfile CC=$(which gcc) CXX=$(which g++)'' * press enter when prompted * this only compiles ''lockfile'' because other parts of this package fail, but we don't need them. * ''cd ..'' * ''mkdir install/bin'' * ''ln -s $PWD/procmail-3.22/src/lockfile $PWD/install/bin/lockfile'' === libxml2 === * [[http://xmlsoft.org/downloads.html|libxml2 (link in first paragraph 'FTP')]] * ''wget %%ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxml2-2.9.2.tar.gz%%'' * ''tar zxf libxml2-2.9.2.tar.gz'' * ''cd libxml2-2.9.2'' *''%%./configure --with-python --with-threads --prefix=/path/to/lcg/dependencies/install%%'' * ''make -j 10'' * ''make install'' * ''cd ..'' === libxslt === * [[http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/downloads.html|xslt (bottom of page)]] (depends on libxml2) * ''git clone git:%%//%%git.gnome.org/libxslt'' * ''cd libxslt'' * ''%%./autogen.sh --with-python --with-libxml-prefix=/path/to/lcg/dependencies/install --prefix=/path/to/lcg/dependencies/install%%'' * ''make -j 10'' * ''make install'' * you may need to manually copy ./xslt-config to the install directory and change it's permissions. * ''cd ..'' === export environment === * ''export PATH=/path/to/lcg/dependencies/install/bin:$PATH'' * ''export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/lcg/dependencies/install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'' ==== LCGCMake ==== === Get LCGCMake repository === * ''cd $LCG_PROJECT_PATH'' * ''svn co %%http://svn.cern.ch/guest/lcgsoft/trunk/lcgcmake%%'' * ''mkdir lcgcmake-build'' * ''mkdir lcgcmake-install'' === Before you build === * The bits below are summarized in this patch file [[hpc:lcgcmake:cooleyPatchFile|Cooley Patch File]] * Edit ''lcgcmake/toolchain.cmake'' line 2 set(LCG_VERSION dev2 CACHE STRING "HepTools version (aka LCG configuration)") to set(LCG_VERSION 78root6 CACHE STRING "HepTools version (aka LCG configuration)") * You have to force cmake to identify your machine as slc6 because some of the tarballs live on a webserver with ''slc6'' in the name, in the case of Cooley, ''slc6'' gets replaced with ''linux'' and the downloads fail since there is no tarball with ''linux'' in the name. Edit ''lcgcmake/cmake/toolchain/heptools-common.cmake'' around line 75 from else() execute_process(COMMAND cat /etc/os-release OUTPUT_VARIABLE os_release OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(os_release MATCHES "centos") set(os "cc") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*VERSION_ID=\"([0-9]+).*" "\\1" osvers "${os_release}") else() message(WARNING "Unkown OS, assuming 'linux'") set(os linux) set(osvers) endif() endif() to else() execute_process(COMMAND cat /etc/os-release OUTPUT_VARIABLE os_release OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(os_release MATCHES "centos") set(os "cc") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*VERSION_ID=\"([0-9]+).*" "\\1" osvers "${os_release}") else() message(WARNING "Unkown OS, assuming 'slc6'") set(os "slc") set(osvers "6") endif() endif() * Edit ''lcgcmake/projects/CMakeLists.txt'' line 244 in CORAL package from SVN_REPOSITORY=http://svn.cern.ch/guest/lcgcoral/coral/tags/${CORAL_native_version} --quiet to SVN_REPOSITORY=http://svn.cern.ch/guest/lcgcoral/coral/tags/CORAL_${CORAL_native_version} --quiet * Edit ''lcgcmake/externals/CMakeLists.txt'' lines 297 - 302 (or so) from #---Davix-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LCGPackage_Add( Davix URL http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/dms/lcgutil/tar/davix/davix-.tar.gz CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} -DBOOST_ROOT:PATHNAME=${Boost_home} -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=${Boost_home}/include -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=${Boost_home}/lib -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=True DEPENDS Boost ) to #---Davix-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LCGPackage_Add( Davix URL http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/dms/lcgutil/tar/davix/davix-.tar.gz CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} -DBOOST_ROOT:PATHNAME=${Boost_home} -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=${Boost_home}/include/boost-1_55 -DBoost_LIBRARY_DIR_DEBUG:PATH=${Boost_home}/lib -DBoost_LIBRARY_DIR_RELEASE:PATH=${Boost_home}/lib -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE:BOOL=True -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} DEPENDS Boost ) * Edit ''lcgcmake/projects/CMakeLists.txt'' and insert around line 99 to the ROOT package config -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} * Edit ''lcgcmake/projects/CMakeLists.txt'' around line 186 in the RELAX package and add the lines -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}. * Edit ''lcgcmake/generators/CMakeLists.txt'' around line 1679 in the crmc package and add the lines -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} * Edit ''lcgcmake/externals/CMakeLists.txt'' around line ? in the hepmc3 package and add the lines -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}. * Edit ''lcgcmake/externals/CMakeLists.txt'' around line 842 in the igprof package and comment out the ''-Wno-error=unused-result''. * Edit ''lcgcmake/externals/CMakeLists.txt'' line 339 in the hepmc3 package from set(hepmc3_source_command GIT_REPOSITORY http://git.cern.ch/cernpub/hepmc3) to set(hepmc3_source_command GIT_REPOSITORY http://git.cern.ch/pub/hepmc3) === Building LCG === * ''cd lcgcmake-build'' * ''%%cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../lcgcmake-install -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$(which gcc) -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(which g++) ../lcgcmake%%'' === When Build Fails === When a build fails, look at this list for fixes, fix, then continue with ''make -j 10''. * After the ''pythia8'' packages download and fail to build, the Makefile's must be edited, the files ''lcgcmake-build/generators/pythia8-201/src/pythia8/201/Makefile'' have ''$(CXX_SONAME),$(notdir $@)'' which must be changed to ''-shared''. * ''%%sed 's/$(CXX_SONAME),$(notdir\ $@)/-shared/g' generators/pythia8-201/src/pythia8/201/Makefile > generators/pythia8-201/src/pythia8/201/Makefile.tmp%%'' * After ''evtgen'' package downloads and fails to build, the Makefile must be edited, the file ''lcgcmake-build/generators/evtgen-1.2.0/src/evtgen/1.2.0/src/Makefile'' have ''$(shell find ... )'' commands inside, Add ''-not -path '*/\.*''' to the end of these finds. This is to exclude the many stupid hidden files ''._'' that someone must have commit to the repo from their MAC. * After ROOT 6 downloads and fails the build, you can make the following edits to fix the ODBC files. Add to the files ''lcgcmake-build/projects/ROOT-6.02.12/src/ROOT/6.02.12/sql/odbc/inc/TODBC*.h'' a ''#include'' just under the ''#include'' at the top of the file. Add to the files ''lcgcmake-build/projects/ROOT-6.02.12/src/ROOT/6.02.12/sql/odbc/src/TODBCServer.cxx'' and ''lcgcmake-build/projects/ROOT-6.02.12/src/ROOT/6.02.12/sql/odbc/src/TODBCStatement.cxx'' a ''#include'' at the top of the files. * Create setup environment #!/usr/bin/env bash soft add +cmake soft add +gcc-4.8.1