====== Extracting channels from ROOT files ======
Overview: This script ({{:itk:channelextraction.py|}}) allows the user to print a list of problematic channels after running a test. The user inputs the ROOT file from the test, the specific histogram they would like to analyze, and must input the maximum number of hits possible in the channels.
* Download the package using the command
wget https://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/asc/wikidoc/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=itk:channelextraction.py -O ChannelExtraction.py
* Once you have the package, make sure that you have already installed ROOT or can open the ROOT file from your test.
* Open the script ''vim (or emacs/whatever text editor you use) ChannelExtraction.py''.
* Input your ROOT file that contains the histogram from the test, the name of the histogram, and the maximum number of hits possible in all of the channels.
* Save script.
* Run script using ''python ChannelExtraction.py''
* The information will be printed to the command line.
#This script allows the user to see the specific ouput for specific pixels on different electronic tests
from ROOT import *
#The user must input the root file, histogram, and the maximum number for bin content
fileName = "~/calibData/TEST_NAME_0000RUN#/histos.root" #For example: an analog test with run number 11 ~/calibData/ANALOG_TEST_000011/histos.root.
histogramName = "Mod_94220425_Occupancy_Point_000" #This is the corresponding histogram name for the analog test.
maxValBin = 50 #This is the corresponding maximum hits for the analog test.
#Do not modify the rest of the code, it should work given what the user has place above.
test = TFile.Open(fileName)
h = test.Get(histogramName)
for i in range(1, h.GetNbinsX()):
for j in range(1, h.GetNbinsY()):
binContent = h.GetBinContent(i, j)
if binContent < maxValBin:
print "*****************************"
print "Pixel column (x): ", i
print "Pixel row (y): ", j
print "Number of hits: ", binContent
print "*****************************"