====== Using the Pixel Application ====== Become superuser with the 'su' command. cd ~/daq/rce source ./scripts/setup-gen3.sh calibGui You can ssh into the HSIO-2 to run calibserver. This is not necessary unless you want to see real-time outputs from the server. ssh root@ export PATH=/root/pixelrce/bin:$PATH; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/pixelrce/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH calibserver To compile and upload changes to the pixel application: cd ~/daq/rce/build.slc6-rcf; make cd ~/daq/rce/build.arm-rcf; make cd ~/daq/rce/ rsync -e 'ssh -l root' -rlptDv /sw/atlas/sw/lcg/LCG_81b/Boost/1.59.0_python2.7/armv7l-archlinux-gcc52-opt/lib rsync -rlptDv -e 'ssh -l root' build.arm-rcf/{bin,lib}\ Use Inlink X, Outlink X, where the module is plugged into port AX. Use Rce 0.