[[snowmass2013:montecarlo| < wget http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/snowmass2013/herwigpp/ttbar650pt/herwigpp_ttbar_pt650_1.root On can also download all ROOT files in an automated way. For example, try this Python script: #!/usr/bin/env python import sys,os,string __version__ = '1.0' __author__ = 'Sergei Chekanov (chekanov@anl.gov)' if len(sys.argv)<4: print "Usage: python download.py nfiles dir name" print "Exit.." sys.exit() TOT_FILES=int(sys.argv[1]) # Nr of files to download xdir=str(sys.argv[2]) xname=str(sys.argv[3]) print "Nr of files to copy=",TOT_FILES server="http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/snowmass2013/" print "Copy files from=",server print xdir+"/"+xname for i in range(TOT_FILES): f=xname+"_"+str(i)+".root" cmt="wget --no-check-certificate -N "+server+xdir+"/"+f print "Downloading .."+f os.system(cmt) And run it as: python download.py 5 pythia8/ttbar650pt pythia8_ttbar_pt650 Copy 5 ROOT files to copy from the directory "pythia8/ttbar650pt", all files with the generic name "pythia8_ttbar_pt650". Change 5 to a larger value if you need more files. You can always stop downloading ([Ctrl-C]) and start downloading again from same files. It uses the (ā€˜-Nā€™) option - with this option, for each file it intends to download, wget will check whether a local file of the same name exists. If it does, and the remote file is not newer, Wget will not download it.