[[snowmass2013:montecarlo| <1500 GeV) ==== Here are samples of [[https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/delphes | Delphes 3.08]] events generated for the **14 TeV** center-of-mass energy (pp collisions). The events are generated for 0, 50 and 140 pileup scenarios. All data are stored in the ROOT format using the standard [[https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/delphes | Delphes]] output. Therefore, it is recommended to install [[https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/delphes | Delphes]] and look at the example explaining how to read such ROOT files (see the directory "Examples" inside the Delphes package). The samples use the "Snowmass" detector geometry. Jets were corrected using jet area correction and fake jets are not stored. See [[http://www.snowmass2013.org/tiki-index.php?page=Energy_Frontier_FastSimulation| this wiki]] for details. ==== How to download ==== Please read the Section [[snowmass2013:download| How to download]]. You need a python script "download.py". ===== Signal ttbar ==== This is a ttbar fully inclusive top sample (all top decays) with pT>1500 GeV on hard processes using HERWIG++ with sqrt(s)=14 TeV. The LO ME processes are: g g -> t tbar q qbar -> t tbar Look at the HERWIG++ [[http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/snowmass2013/delphes36/ttbar_pt1800/log/LHC_signal.log.gz | log file]] used to generate such files.This is [[http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/snowmass2013/delphes36/ttbar_pt1800/log/LHC_signal.in | input settings]] In total, there are 96 files per sample (mu=0,50,140), with 1000 ttbar events in each. Thus the total number of events is 96000 signal events per sample. ===== No pileup ===== Get the Delphes3 ROOT files from [[http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/snowmass2013/delphes36/?dir=ttbar_pt1800/mu0 | this download link]]. Here is an example for downloading 5 files: python download.py 5 delphes36/ttbar_pt1800/mu0 herwigpp_ttbar_pt1800_delphes306 (set 5 to 96 to download all) ===== =50 ===== Get the Delphes3 ROOT files from [[http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/snowmass2013/delphes36/?dir=ttbar_pt1800/mu50 | this download link]]. Here is an example for downloading 5 files: python download.py 5 delphes36/ttbar_pt1800/mu50 herwigpp_ttbar_pt1800_delphes306_mu50 (set 5 to 96 to download all) ===== =140 ===== Get the Delphes3 ROOT files from [[http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/snowmass2013/delphes36/?dir=ttbar_pt1800/mu140 | this download link]]. Here is an example for downloading 5 files: python download.py 5 delphes36/ttbar_pt1800/mu140 herwigpp_ttbar_pt1800_delphes306_mu140 (set 5 to 96 to download all) ==== How to analyze using ROOT ==== If you need to find the effect of pileup on top reconstruction or a jet measurement, you need to run the analysis code over signal MC and then over the signal+pileup MC files. Read [[snowmass2013:analyse_d3]] ==== How to analyze without ROOT ==== In some cases, you may not have ROOT installed to read the Delphes files. In this case, you can use ROOT files converted to the ProMC format which can be read without ROOT (using C++, Java, Python). Read [[snowmass2013:analyse_d36_promc| how to read Delphes3 output without ROOT]]. --- //[[chekanov@anl.gov|Sergei Chekanov]] 2013/03/06 20:48//