====== Installation of xrootdfs automount code ======
This wiki page explains how to install the scripts needed to automount xrootdfs area on a given node.
* xrootd software (binaries and libraries) are installed
* autofs package is installed and running
* fuse package is installed
In short:
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
wget http://www.xrootd.org/binaries/xrootd-stable-slc6.repo
vi xrootd-stable-slc5.repo
yum install yum-priorities
yum install xrootd-libs.x86_64 xrootd-server.x86_64 xrootd-client.x86_64 xrootd-fuse.x86_64 xrootd-debuginfo.x86_64
chown xrootd:xrootd /dataxrd
mkdir -p /dataxrd/atlas
chown xrootd:xrootd /dataxrd
chown xrootd:xrootd /dataxrd/atlas
scp root@atlas50:/etc/xrootd/xrootd-clustered.cfg /etc/xrootd/xrootd-clustered.cfg
scp root@atlas50:/etc/xrootd/auth_file /etc/xrootd/auth_file
vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables # add port
===== Installation of xrootdfs.sh script =====
As root account, create the file **/usr/bin/xrootdfs.sh** and set the flags for it to be executable.
Contents of /usr/bin/xrootdfs.sh are:
exec /usr/bin/xrootdfs $@ >/dev/null 2>&1
===== Modification of autofs files =====
* changes to /etc/auto.master
Add these lines to /etc/auto.master:
#mount of xrootdfs areas
/- /etc/auto.xrootdfs
* create the /etc/auto.xrootdfs file
The file /etc/auto.xrootdfs contains the mount information needed to create the xrootdfs auto mounts.
For example:
/aschead01/atlas -fstype=fuse,rw,uid=xrootd,rdr=root\://aschead01.hep.anl.gov\:1094//atlas :xrootdfs.sh
/atlasfs/atlas -fstype=fuse,rw,uid=xrootd,rdr=root\://atlasfs.hep.anl.gov\:1094//atlas :xrootdfs.sh
/aschead02/atlas -fstype=fuse,rw,uid=xrootd,rdr=root\://aschead02.hep.anl.gov\:1094//atlas :xrootdfs.sh
* Create the mount points as shown in /etc/auto.xrootdfs
mkdir -p /aschead01/atlas
mkdir -p /atlasfs/atlas
mkdir -p /aschead02/atlas
* Restart autofs
/sbin/service autofs restart
* Test if the mounts work. For example:
ls -l /atlasfs/atlas
total 9
drwxrwxrwx 1 xrootd atlas 4096 Feb 26 11:31 dq2
drwxrwxrwx 1 xrootd atlas 4096 Mar 19 14:38 test