====== Future detector studies ====== This page describes a few community tools for Future Collider Physics Studies. Look at the [[https://indico.hep.anl.gov/indico/categoryDisplay.py?categId=26 | Future Collider Physics Studies meetings]] ====== Using SLIC for future detector studies====== We use SLIC public software for future collider studies. The instruction how to Run SLIC are attached (created by Jan Strube). The instruction works for e+e- collisions generated by Whizard [[https://whizard.hepforge.org/]] # Setup the environment: source /afs/cern.ch/eng/clic/software/setup.sh # Download a physics file: wget ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/lcd/ILC/ZPole/stdhep/pythia/pythiaZPolemumu.stdhep # Download a detector: wget http://lcsim.org/detectors/sidloi3.zip mkdir sidloi3 cd sidloi3 unzip ../sidloi3.zip # Convert the compact format to other necessary formats GeomConverter -o lcdd compact.xml sidloi3.lcdd GeomConverter -o heprep compact.xml sidloi3.heprep GeomConverter -o pandora compact.xml sidloi3.pandora cd .. # Run the simulation on 10 events (The crossing angle of the beams is # flexible in our simulation. The physics is from head-on collisions. The # events need to be boosted appropriately such that the outgoing beams go # through the right beam pipe): /afs/cern.ch/eng/clic/software/slic/3.0.1/scripts/slic.sh -x -i pythiaZPolemumu.stdhep -g sidloi3/sidloi3.lcdd -r 10 -m /afs/cern.ch/user/j/jfstrube/public/FCC/defaultILCCrossingAngle.mac -o input.slcio # Run the digitization and tracking: lcsim -D inputFile=input.slcio -D trackingStrategies=/afs/cern.ch/user/j/jfstrube/public/FCC/sidloi3_trackingStrategies.xml -D outputFile=tracking.slcio /afs/cern.ch/user/j/jfstrube/public/FCC/sid_dbd_prePandora_noOverlay.xml # Run the particle flow reconstruction: PandoraFrontend -g sidloi3/sidloi3.pandora -i tracking.slcio -c /afs/cern.ch/user/j/jfstrube/public/FCC/PandoraSettings_sidloi3.xml You can now analyse the created SLCIO file ("tracking.slcio") using Python and the [[https://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/asc/wikidoc/doku.php?id=fcs:fpad|FPadSoft]] software ====== Truth-level Monte Carlo files ====== Monte Carlo simulation files with 100 TeV collision events can be downloaded from the [[http://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/asc/hepsim/| HepSim]] repository. You download, view and process Monte Carlo files as explained [[http://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/hepsim/description.php| here]]. Also, look at the [[https://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/asc/wikidoc/doku.php?id=community:refhepsim| HepSim wiki]]. ====== HCAL studies ====== [[vlhc:hcal | HCAL studies for VLHC]] --- //[[chekanov@anl.gov|Sergei Chekanov]] 2014/10/26 23:35//