
Working with PROOF

You can use PROOF on the cluster. It is advised to use 6-7 cores when using PROOF line (since we have 8 physical cores per server).

You can find some ATLAS instructions here:



There is an example in


(kindly provided by Duong Nguyen)

How it works:

cd Ana_proof
source RootCore/scripts/setup.sh
python runSkimAna.py

First, we compile RootCore libraries. Then we run “runSkimAna.py”. The actual C++ program is runRootCore.C There are proof or non-proof option at line 55, 56 in runSkimAna.py.

Jet example

A typical example to work with jets is


Compile the code “make” and run A_RUN_TEST.

The main code is “main.cxx” where you can say tell yes“ to the prooflite option. We fill jet histograms in src/Jets.cxx” (the event loop). src/Truth.cxx - keep track the truth info. Histogram are defined in inc/Ana.h and src/IniHistograms.cxx. The output is in out/output.root.