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How to link private samples to HepSim

Your files can be published on HepSim and you can maintain your own HepSim repository with PROMC/SLCIO/ROOT files. This is useful if:

If the dataset is new, you will see a new entry in the HepSim database. Your authorship will be preserved on the HepSim web page. If you have made a mirror of the existing data, your server will be added as a mirror for a given dataset.

What do you need

You need the following:

The root directory of a typical HepSim repository has the name “events”. This directory should be served by Apache, i.e. it should be visible from /var/www/html. You will need to make the directory structure such as:

  |-events               # HepSim root directory
  |  |-pp                # process type: pp, ee, ep, misc (single particles)
  |  |  |-14tev          # CM energy. Can be 100tev, 250gev, 500gev
  |  |  |  |-qcd_pythia8 # this directory contains ProMC files for EVGEN
  |  |  |  |  |-rfast001 # subdirectory with ROOT/Delphes files
  |  |  |  |  |-rfull001 # subdirectory with SLCIO files
  |  |  |  |  |-macros   # files for truth validation (optional)

(it shows a data sample for 14 TeV pp with the name “qcd_pythia8”). The directory “events/pp/14tev/qcd_pythia8” should contain truth-level ProMC files. The sub-directories “rfast001” contains fast simulation files (tag “rfast001”), while “rfull001” should contain LCIO files with full simulation. The directory “macros” contains macro files written in Jython for validation, as well as images (optional).

After populating the directory “events/pp/14tev/qcd_pythia8” with ProMC files, you will need to index all files (including reconstruction tags). Install the needed packages as explained below. Download the example from hepsim_web.tgz Assuming that you are in the directory above the directory “events”, run these commands:

wget -O hepsim_web.tgz
tar -zvxf hepsim_web.tgz
cd hepsim_web/web_post
wget -O - | tar -xz;
source hs-toolkit/ # this checks if Java is installed

This package has 2 directories:

This package has 2 example files in “events/ee/250gev/pythia6_higgs_gamgam” to illustrate how the indexing works.

Now, index all ProMC/ROOT/SLCIO files located in “events”. Open the script “” and specify the location of the “events” directory. Then run “bash ./”. It will process the directory “events/”. You can edit the script to change the indexed directory to ““events/pp/100tev/”. After indexing, several new files should appear, such as “”, “metadata.txt” and “dirs.idx”.

To make sure that everything works, look with the browser in the HTTP link “http://yourserver/events/”. You should see your files and the directory structure. Note that what you see is not what you see in HepSim, which does not use the “index.php” file.

Now you can:

In both cases, make sure that Linux system administrator set correct permission for the directory “events”, so you can copy the files. The directory for indexing should be inside your private directory outside the Web area.

If you have indexed the files successfully, send a request to “[email protected]” (or [email protected]) to include your repository to HepSim database. Please include a short description of your files and your name (it will be shown on the web page).

How to mirror entire dataset

You can mirror an entire dataset by copying HepSim files to your mirror web server (or local computer). You can use the command “hs-mirror” from the “hs-toolkit” package. For example, if you want to mirror a dataset with known URL, use this example:

wget -O - | tar -xz;
source hs-toolkit/ # setup HepSim programs
# now copy a dataset from URL to a new location
hs-mirror -i $SOURCE-o $OUTPUT_DIR

This example creates the directory ”/var/www/html/events/ee/250gev/pythia6_higgs_gamgam_test“ and copies all files from the URL. The URL can be found using the HepSim web page.

If you want to download only EVGEN files, without reconstructed events, use this command:

hs-mirror -i $SOURCE-o $OUTPUT_DIR -t evgen

Generally, you do not need to index files in the mirror directory.


When everything is done, this is what you should expect:

Sergei Chekanov 2016/04/28 21:31Sergei Chekanov 2016/10/24 21:31