Extracting channels from ROOT files

Overview: This script (channelextraction.py) allows the user to print a list of problematic channels after running a test. The user inputs the ROOT file from the test, the specific histogram they would like to analyze, and must input the maximum number of hits possible in the channels.


wget https://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/asc/wikidoc/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=itk:channelextraction.py -O ChannelExtraction.py


 #This script allows the user to see the specific ouput for specific pixels on different electronic tests
  from ROOT import *
  #The user must input the root file, histogram, and the maximum number for bin content
  fileName = "~/calibData/TEST_NAME_0000RUN#/histos.root"  #For example: an analog test with run number 11 ~/calibData/ANALOG_TEST_000011/histos.root.
  histogramName = "Mod_94220425_Occupancy_Point_000"    #This is the corresponding histogram name for the analog test.
  maxValBin = 50     #This is the corresponding maximum hits for the analog test.
  #Do not modify the rest of the code, it should work given what the user has place above.
  test = TFile.Open(fileName)
  h = test.Get(histogramName)
  for i in range(1, h.GetNbinsX()):
        for j in range(1, h.GetNbinsY()):
        binContent = h.GetBinContent(i, j)
        if binContent < maxValBin:
              print "*****************************"
              print "Pixel column (x): ", i
              print "Pixel row (y): ", j
              print "Number of hits: ", binContent
              print "*****************************"