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hepsim:dev_fpadsim [2024/07/01 21:25] (current) – created - external edit
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 +[[:|<< back to HepSim manual]]
 +===== Simulation with FPadSim =====
 +In many cases, HepSim detector simulations were done using ILCSOFT-derived software.
 +To create full simulations, you will need to convert ProMC files  to LCIO files. This is described in
 +[[hepsim:usage_truth#converting_to_lcio|LCIO conversions]] and [[hepsim:dev_full|LCIO]] sections.
 +Many samples posted in HepSim are created with the  package called "fpadsim" (**F**uture **Pa**rticle **D**etector **Sim**ulator"). This package is under constant development. 
 +The package includes packages from ilcsoft, such as SLIC, PandoraPFA, and LCSIM
 +The simulation and reconstruction proceeds as: SLIC->LCSIM->slicPandora/PandoraPFA.
 +This digram shows the entire chain:
 +The input for SLIC are LCIO files with truth-level information ("MCParticle" table). The files
 +are created from ProMC files using the converter promc2lcio (included inside
 +the ProMC packages, in the directory "examples").
 +This concept originates from the SiD detector(T.Johnson, N.Graf, J.McCormick, J.Strube),
 +and later was re-purposed to be used for generic feature detectors, including
 +proton pp colliders (S.Chekanov, A.Kotwal). The final step
 +of the reconstruction is PandoraPFA (J.Marshall, M.Thomson).
 +====== Simulations with FPadSim ======
 +To process truth-level events with FpadSim, you need a few things:
 +  * A tag file with the detector description. The concept of tag files is described in Sect.[[hepsim:dev_tags]]. You can find all submitted tag files in [[|tag file catalog]]
 +  * Singularity  container with pre-built libraries to process a given tag file
 +The tag files should be processed with the simulation and reconstruction chain described above.
 +This can be done by using [[|Singularity]] that enables users to have full control of their environment. Install singularity (version 2.3.1 and above) and download the CentOS7 HEPSIM image with the  FPadSim software.
 +Here is the download link [[|centos7hepsim.img]] (>5 GB).
 +The image includes basic CentOS7 environment, and programs such as SLIC, LCSIM, slicPandora, ProMC, Jas4PP, ROOT, PYTHIA8, LHAPDF  and various converters.
 +<code bash>
 +wget # get the singularity image
 +singularity  exec centos7hepsim.img  bash -l                   # setup fpadsim
 +After the last line, the environment should be ready. For example, type "slic -h". It shows the available commands. 
 +Now you can process the tag file:
 +<code bash>
 +tar -zvxf rfull102.tgz
 +cd ilcsoft/rfull102/
 +./ #  runs simple a test with single particles
 +The final file after pandoraPFA reconstruction with the name *hepsim.slcio" will be created in the same directory.
 +Other files after simulation and track reconstruction steps will be located inside "output" directory.
 +To process other promc files, download the required promc files and edit the file
 +More information about how to use HepSim container can be found in Section [[hepsim:dev_singularity|HepSim singularity container]].
 +===== Light version of FPadSim image=====
 +David Blyth created a much lighter version of FPadSim image for EIC work described in Sec.[[fcs:eic:singularity|singularity image for EIC]]. It is based on Arch Linux, and does not contain the usual Linux environment included inside centos7hepsim image.
 +====== Contributions ======
 +The contributed authors of this package since 2015 are:
 +  * D.Blyth (HEP/ANL)
 +  * J.MacCormick (SLAC)
 +  * W.Armstrong  (PHYS/HEP)
 +  * S.Chekanov (HEP/ANL)
 +  * A.Kotwal (Duke)
 +  * J.Strube (PNNL)
 +  * J.Marshall (U.Cambridge)
 + --- //[[[email protected]|Sergei Chekanov]] 2017/04/12 21:58//
hepsim/dev_fpadsim.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/01 21:25 by