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 +[[:|<< back to HepSim manual]]
 +====== Analysis of LCIO files  ======
 +Currently, the Geant4-based detector simulation can be done using the SLIC software. You will need to convert ProMC files to LCIO files and
 +use these files for the "slic" Geant4-based program.
 +To process SLCIO files, you will need [[|Jas4pp]]  program.
 +The files with full simulations are located under the "rfullNNN" tags ("NNN" is a number)
 +Here how you can find all samples that have "rfull" tag for download. Click here: [[]].
 +The description of the detector tags is given in [[:hepsim:usage_detectors|Detector description]].
 + If you need to find all  files
 +for a give tag, say rfull005, use this command:
 +<code bash>
 +hs-find tev10mumu%rfull005
 +which searches for all samples with the dataset name "tev10mumu" (mu+mu-, 40 TeV samples).
 +Then download a selected sample as:
 +<code bash>
 +hs-get tev10mumu_pythia6_zprime10tev_qqbar%rfull005 
 +The [[| detector repository]] contains the description of available detectors.
 +Each "rfullNNN" tag corresponds to the  detector given in the  [[| detector repository]].
 +The physics performance studies based on full simulation files from HepSim 
 +are  [[fcs:start|listed here]]. 
 +====== Processing LCIO files  ======
 +To perform data analysis using LCIO files, use the [[|Jas4pp]] data-analysis package.
 +The installation does not have external dependencies besides Java. Make sure Java7 and above is installed.
 +Then run these commands to install the package using Linux/Mac with the "bash" shell:
 +<code bash>
 +wget -O jas4pp.tgz
 +tar -zvxf jas4pp.tgz
 +cd jas4pp
 +source ./ # takes 5 sec for first-time optimization
 +The last command optimizes Java packages for the Python language.
 +Now you are ready to run over  any file with truth-level and datector-simulation files, such as LCIO and ProMC. This program can be used for:
 +  * Downloading and searching HepSim data
 +  * Processing ProMC files from HepSim
 +  * Running over SLCIO files with Geant4 simulated / reconstructed events.
 +  * Data analysis (jets, physics vectors, histogram packages)
 +  * Visualisation of reconstructed events using Wired4 display
 +You can find more details in [[hepsim:jas4pp|Jas4pp manual]]. The examples showing how to run over SLCIO files using [[|Jas4pp]] are located in the "examples/slic" directory of the Jas4pp package.
 +The standard set of containers is available from the LCIO files posted on HepSim. Read [[|Manual]]. The API is described in [[| LCIO Java API description]].
 +Look the Java API definition of the needed objects in [[|org.lcsim.lcio]]. The data containers are shown below:
 +====== Using C++/ROOT with LCIO ======
 +If you need to read LCIO files in C++ code with ROOT/FastJet, use the example package [[]].
 +<code bash>
 +git clone
 +cd HepSim/analysis/cpp_lcio
 +Look at README file to see how to install the "LCIO" package required by this example.  Your LCIO" files from HepSim should be in the directory "data".
 +Generally, you program to read SLCIO files can look as this:
 +<hidden Click here to show the code example>
 +<code cpp>
 +string input="data.slcio";
 +LCReader* lcReader = LCFactory::getInstance()->createLCReader() ;
 +lcReader->open( infile1.c_str() ) ;
 +LCEvent*  evt;
 +int nEvents=0;
 +while( (evt = lcReader->readNextEvent()) != 0 ) {
 +      if (nEvents==0) UTIL::LCTOOLS::dumpEvent( evt ) ;
 +           cout << "  Run : " << evt->getRunNumber() << " Detector: "      << evt->getDetectorName() <<  endl ;
 +           // print stored EVGEN parameters
 +           const LCParameters& params=evt->getParameters();
 +           StringVec floatKeys ;
 +           int nFloatParameters = params.getFloatKeys( floatKeys ).size() ;
 +           for(int i=0; i< nFloatParameters ; i++ ){
 +              FloatVec floatVec ;
 +              params.getFloatVals(  floatKeys[i], floatVec ) ;
 +              int nFloat  = floatVec.size()  ;
 +              cout << " parameter " << floatKeys[i] << " [float]: " ;
 +              for(int j=0; j< nFloat ; j++ ){
 +                    cout << floatVec[j] << ", " ;
 +                }
 +               cout << endl ;
 +  // extract PFA objects             
 +  IMPL::LCCollectionVec* col = (IMPL::LCCollectionVec*) evt->getCollection( "PandoraPFOCollection"  ) ;
 +  int nPFO = col->getNumberOfElements() ;
 +  for(int i=0 ; i<nPFO ; ++i){
 +      EVENT::ReconstructedParticle* mcp =  (EVENT::ReconstructedParticle*) col->getElementAt(i) ;
 +      double px = mcp->getMomentum()[0];
 +      double py = mcp->getMomentum()[1];
 +      double pz = mcp->getMomentum()[2];
 +  // look at tracks  
 +  IMPL::LCCollectionVec* col3 = (IMPL::LCCollectionVec*) evt->getCollection( "Tracks"  ) ;
 +  int nTRK = col3->getNumberOfElements() ;
 +    for(int i=0 ; i<nTRK ; ++i){
 +      EVENT::Track* mcp =  (EVENT::Track*) col3->getElementAt(i) ;
 +  }
 +   nEvents ++ ;
 +   }
 +  lcReader->close() ;
 +This code example shows how to print float parameters from the EVGEN level (copied from the input ProMC).
 +Here is the example of all parameters (float, integers, strings):
 +<code cpp>
 + parameter EVGEN:Code [int]: 10, 
 + parameter EVGEN:DIS:ISR [int]: 0, 
 + parameter EVGEN:ID1 [int]: 11, 
 + parameter EVGEN:ID2 [int]: 2212, 
 + parameter EVGEN:ProcessID [int]: 10, 
 + parameter EVGEN:AlphaQCD [float]: 0.00255778, 
 + parameter EVGEN:AlphaQED [float]: 0.243193, 
 + parameter EVGEN:DIS:Q2 [float]: 12.4407, 
 + parameter EVGEN:DIS:W [float]: 69.6586, 
 + parameter EVGEN:DIS:XBJ [float]: 0.00255778, 
 + parameter EVGEN:DIS:YBJ [float]: 0.243193, 
 + parameter EVGEN:EventsRequested [float]: 50000, 
 + parameter EVGEN:PDF1 [float]: 0, 
 + parameter EVGEN:PDF2 [float]: 0, 
 + parameter EVGEN:Scale [float]: 69.6586, 
 + parameter EVGEN:ScalePDF [float]: 12.4407, 
 + parameter EVGEN:SigmaErrorPB [float]: 737.376, 
 + parameter EVGEN:SigmaPB [float]: 164882, 
 + parameter EVGEN:Weight [float]: 1, 
 + parameter EVGEN:X1 [float]: 0.00255778, 
 + parameter EVGEN:X2 [float]: 0.243193, 
 + parameter EVGEN:eCM [float]: 141, 
 + parameter _weight [float]: 1, 
 + parameter EVGEN:Process [string]: e-p, 
 + parameter GEANT4_VERSION [string]: 10.2.0, 
 + parameter HepSim [string]: 1.1, 
 + parameter ProcessID [string]: -1, 
 + parameter SLIC_VERSION [string]: 5.0.0, 
 +Note that SLCIO files have two records representing truth level MC: MCParticle and MCInfo. MCInfo includes information on generated events.
 +See the example how this record was created in [[|]].
 + --- //[[[email protected]|Sergei Chekanov]] 2016/09/19 07:06//
 +====== Visualizing events with Jas+Wired ======
 +You can run Jas+Wired to visualize the simulated events.  The Wired program is included in Jas4pp, so you simply run it as:
 +<code bash>
 +This will start a Jas3-like environment  with all needed plugins. 
 +Then copy the detector geometry file from the [[| detector repository]].
 +<code bash>
 +wget -O - | tar -xz;
 +This will create a directory "sidloi3". This detector corresponds to "rfull001" tag used for the reconstruction of pythia6_zpole_ee (Z->e+e-). 
 +Now we can visualize the detector as **[File]-[Open data source]-[HepRep]** XML and select the file "sidloi3.heprep" from sidloi3.tgz:
 +This is how to do this using the command line:
 +<code bash>
 +./jaspp  sidloi3.heprep
 +You will see the detector layout:
 +{{:fcs:detector.png?400|Whired4 event display}}
 +Now, we will read the event: Open any *.slcio file you copied from HepSim as 
 +**[File]-[Open data source]-[LCIO]** file.  Then click a small button [Go] (top menu bar). It will process
 + events.  Then select again **[File]-[New]-[Wired 4 view]**.  You will get an image in the Wired4 display.
 +Now press [Go] again to look at next event.
 + If you want to see how data records are organized inside the slcio file,
 +do this **[File]-[New]-[LCSim Event browser]**
 +Generally, when you open a SLCIO file from the HepSim, you do not need to load the geometry file. The geometry file will be downloaded automatically from HepSim and will be put to ".lcsim/cache/" inside your home directory. 
 +====== Visualizing geometry using ROOT ======
 +(contribution from N.Nikiforou):
 +You can also visualize the detector using ROOT. Here are a few steps:
 +Locate the file detector.gdml inside the file (where "detector" shows the name of the detector). 
 +<hidden show more details here>
 +This file is created using this command during the detector design stage
 +slic -g detector.lcdd -G detector.gdml
 +Once you have the GDML file, you can use ROOT to visualize it. You just
 +need to make sure the ROOT installation has openGL/GDML support (CERN
 +AFS installations have it for sure). At the ROOT prompt do:
 +<code cpp>
 +This should popup an OpenGL display with the detector which you can clip, pan, rotate etc. You will the image as shown here:
 +====== People ======
 +  * S.Chekanov (ANL, main developer)
 +  * E.May (ANL, debugging, Wired4)
 +====== Additional help ======
 +  * [[]] - JAS3
 +  * [[]] - FreeHep
 +  * [[]] - DMelt
 +  * [[]] - SLIC
 +  * [[]] - SLIC
 +  * [[]] ProMC file format
 +  * [[]] LCIO file format
 + --- //[[[email protected]|Sergei Chekanov]] 2016/03/23 21:53//
hepsim/usage_full.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/01 21:25 by