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hepsim:files [2024/07/01 21:25] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== Supported file formats ======
 +===== ProMC file format =====
 +[[ | PROMC]] file format is used since 2014. It is primary used to to keep
 +EVGEN records (truth level). The format uses Google protocol buffers. 
 +It uses varints for integer values (and, by design, for 4-momenta and vertex). 
 +It's efficient format for events with large number of particles.
 +The file sizes for EVGEN files are typically 30% smaller than for traditional ROOT files (with fixed bytes for floats and integers).
 +The file format is self-describing. Suported by C++, Java/Jython (read/write), CPython.
 +<fc #000080>
 +Supported by: </fc>  hs-toolkit and Jas4PP
 +===== ProIO file format =====
 +[[| PROIO]] file format is used since 2018. 
 +It is more efficient file format than ProMC when the number of events in the files larger than 64k,
 +and when number of particles in files is not large (<100). For the latter Monte Carlo records, the files created by ProIO are about 10-20% smaller in size than those from ProMC. ProIO files can be used with C++, Python, Java/Jython (only read), Go.
 +For pp collision events with large number of particles, ProMC and ProIO have same file sizes when 
 +ProIO use mc.proto files with VarintPackedParticles messages (arrays with 4-momenta converted to varints).
 +See some tests in
 +<fc #000080>
 +Supported by: </fc>  hs-toolkit and Jas4PP
 +===== LCIO file format =====
 +[[ | LCIO]] files are used to keep simulated and reconstructed events for
 +Geant4 simulation (and reconstruction) using "all-silicon" detector deigns.
 +<fc #000080>
 +Supported by Jas4PP</fc>
 +===== ROOT file format =====
 +ROOT files are used to keep fast detector simulations from Delphes
 +===== LHE file format =====
 +LHE file formats are typically used for parton-level events from Madgraph.