====== Setting up the computer environment ====== The FCC-ee software tutorial for the [[https://www.bnl.gov/usfccworkshop/| FCC-ee BNL workshop (April 24–26, 2023)]] requires a SSH login to a computer with CVMFS installed. For SSH, use a Linux computer, or a Windows computer with WSL or PuTTY, or cygwin. The computer with mounted CVMFS should access /cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/key4hep/. This key4hep directory includes the C++ compiler and various external C++ libraries. If you do not plan to install the CVMFS pointed to the CERN libraries on your personal computer, use the following interactive nodes with ssh logins: * ** lxplus.cern.ch** - for people associated with CERN and having the CERN computer accounts. * Members from the ATLAS/CMS and other collaborations can use their Tier3 computers with CVMFS. * **OSG interactive nodes** can be used by all other participants who cannot use the options mentioned above. The OSG resource is available for the USA participants associated with US universities and laboratories. ===== How to get the OSG account ===== If you are associated with a USA institution and would like to use the OSG account, use [[ https://www.osgconnect.net/]] link to sign-up. During the sign-up, request the project **osg.FutureColliders** (Sergei Chekanov is the project PI). Then you will be explained how to obtain the account. This project typically uses the "login05.osgconnect.net" interactive node. This note links the /cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/key4hep/ which will be needed for this tutorial. //BNL FCC-ee workshop organizers//