Setting up the computer environment

The FCC-ee software tutorial for the FCC-ee BNL workshop (April 24–26, 2023) requires a SSH login to a computer with CVMFS installed. For SSH, use a Linux computer, or a Windows computer with WSL or PuTTY, or cygwin.

The computer with mounted CVMFS should access /cvmfs/ This key4hep directory includes the C++ compiler and various external C++ libraries. If you do not plan to install the CVMFS pointed to the CERN libraries on your personal computer, use the following interactive nodes with ssh logins:

How to get the OSG account

If you are associated with a USA institution and would like to use the OSG account, use link to sign-up. During the sign-up, request the project osg.FutureColliders (Sergei Chekanov is the project PI). Then you will be explained how to obtain the account. This project typically uses the “” interactive node. This note links the /cvmfs/ which will be needed for this tutorial.

BNL FCC-ee workshop organizers