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computational:simulations [2020/11/30 15:54] – [How to Participate beyond submitting LOIs and White Papers] vdelviracomputational:simulations [2023/05/28 10:46] (current) – [Working Group Co-Conveners] vdelvira
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 ====== CompF2: Theoretical Calculations and Simulation ====== ====== CompF2: Theoretical Calculations and Simulation ======
 +**<color #ed1c24>CompF2 activities have paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new timeline is explained [[|here]].</color>**
 +Before the decision to pause, we (the conveners) were working on a <color #ed1c24>proposal for a survey to collect information to transform requirements of near-future and far-future physics programs into S&C effort and R&D</color>. Given that the new timeline plans for the first draft of the topical group reports to be delivered AFTER the white papers submission deadline, and not before as was the case previous to the pause, <color #ed1c24>we have decided to morph the survey into a list of questions we will be encouraging authors to address in their papers</color>. We are working on this list  of questions right now and welcome comments and suggestions on a first draft available [[|here]]. 
 +We will also be consulting domain contact people to discuss ideas about how to hit the road running immediately after the pause. Of course, everyone is welcome to contact us directly on this or any other matter.
 ===== Working Group Co-Conveners ===== ===== Working Group Co-Conveners =====
 ^Name ^Institution ^email | ^Name ^Institution ^email |
 | Peter Boyle|BNL|[email protected]| | Peter Boyle|BNL|[email protected]|
-|V. Daniel Elvira|FNAL|[email protected]|+|Daniel Elvira|FNAL|[email protected], before 9/2021| 
 +|Kevin Pedro|FNAL|[email protected], after 9/2021|
 |Ji Qiang|LBL|[email protected]| |Ji Qiang|LBL|[email protected]|
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 ===== How to Participate beyond submitting LOIs and White Papers  ===== ===== How to Participate beyond submitting LOIs and White Papers  =====
-CompF2 conveners and sub-domain contact people can be reached via email (see above). CompF2 meets on Fridays 1-3 pm (Pacific), 2-4 pm (Central), 3-5 (Easter) upon necessity. Communication on meetings, deadlines, group activity is done via email.  Please subscribe to: [email protected] ([[|Instructions]])+CompF2 conveners and sub-domain contact people can be reached via email (see above).  
 +**Meetings:** CompF2 meets on Fridays 1-3 pm (Pacific), 2-4 pm (Central), 3-5 (Easter) upon necessity. Links to past and future meetings are available [[|here]].   
 +**Communication:** on meetings, deadlines, group activity is done via email.  Please subscribe to: [email protected] ([[|Instructions]])
 Each sub-domain is free to establish its own means of communication. Some have their own websites and mailing lists: Each sub-domain is free to establish its own means of communication. Some have their own websites and mailing lists:
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     *  [[|Website]]     *  [[|Website]]
     * [[[email protected]|Mailing List]]     * [[[email protected]|Mailing List]]
 +  * Detector simulation
 +    * [[[email protected]|Mailing List]]. ([[|Instructions to subscribe]])
- <color #ed1c24>Deadline Reminders</color> +<color #ed1c24>**Deadline Reminders** </color>
 The Computational Frontier has established a modified [[|time schedule]] which is consistent with a participative process allowing white paper drafts to be used as input to the first frontier report draft. CompF2 has also established [[|internal deadlines]] consistent with the former.  The Computational Frontier has established a modified [[|time schedule]] which is consistent with a participative process allowing white paper drafts to be used as input to the first frontier report draft. CompF2 has also established [[|internal deadlines]] consistent with the former. 
computational/simulations.1606773257.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/30 15:54 by vdelvira

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