====== Community Planning Meeting (virtual) ====== Over the next year, the particle physics community will be engaged in Snowmass 2021, an in-depth process to define the most important questions for our field and to identify promising opportunities to address these questions in a global context. The primary goal of the Community Planning Meeting is **to develop plans and steps to take (“Snowmass Planning”) between October 2020 and the Snowmass Community meeting in July 2021, leading to a final report in October 2021.** Other goals include: * Inspire the community about the field, and encourage them to engage broadly in the Snowmass process * Inform the community about plans from other regions and from related fields and about current and planned Snowmass activities broadly * Listen to the community * Provide space for members across the field to talk to each other, and to discuss, promote and develop new ideas * Establish cross working-group connections and identify gaps **Dates and Times, and Registration** * Monday, October 5 - Thursday, October 8, 2020 * [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/45129/|Registration]] **Program ([[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/45129/|Indico]])** * Oct. 5, 12:00-17:00 EDT (Plenary): Introduction, Inspiring talk about the field, Plans in other regions and in related fields, Remarks from DOE and NSF, Community voices including voices from national labs. * Oct. 6, 12:00-17:00 EDT (Parallel): Organized Breakout Sessions and Unorganized Chat Rooms * Oct. 7, 12:00-17:00 EDT (Parallel): Organized Breakout Sessions and Unorganized Chat Rooms * Oct. 8, 10:00-11:00 EDT (Plenary): Global Accelerator Facilities for Future Particle Physics - Panel Discussion * Oct. 8, 12:00-17:00 EDT (Plenary): Report from Early Careers, Reports from Frontiers - Summaries of Breakout Sessions and Nest Steps, Inspiring talk about community engagement **Local Organizing Committee** * Members: Jonathan Asaadi, Sapta Bhattacharya, Zoltan Gecse, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Bo Jayatilaka (co-chair), Brendan Kiburg (co-chair), Erica Snider, Tiziana Spina, Gordon Watts, Yuanyuan Zhang * Registration is coming soon. **Program Committee Members** * __Snowmass Steering Group__: Young-Kee Kim, Tao Han, Joel Butler, Prisca Cushman, Sergei Nagaitsev, Yury Kolomensky, Glennys Farrar, Gabriela Gonzales * __Frontier Conveners__: Laura Reina (EF), Patrick Huber (NF), Marina Artuso (RF), Aaron Chou (CF), Aida El-Khadra (TF), Tor Raubenheimer (AF), Jinlong Zhang (IF), Oliver Gutsche (CompF), John Orrell (UF), Breese Quinn (CommF) * __Early Careers__: Vishvas Pandey (postdoc), Joshua Barrow (graduate student) * __Local Organizing Committee__ (Ex-officio Members): Bob Jayatilaka, Brendan Kiburg **Program Committee Meetings** * Wed. Sept 2 * Wed. Aug 26 * [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/45077/|Wed. Aug 19]] * [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/44908/|Wed. Aug 12]] * [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/44871/|Wed. Aug 5]] * [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/44680/|Wed. July 29]] **CPM 2012** [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/5841/|Indico]]