====== AF2: Accelerators for Neutrinos ====== Co-Conveners: John Galambos (ORNL), Bob Zwaska (Fermilab), Gianluigi Arduini (CERN) ===== Goals ===== Taking as input the anticipated needs of particle physics and the requirements for neutrino beams in terms of energy, flux, temporal and spatial characteristics, this group will discuss: \\ * The proton (or other) beam requirements to meet the above needs. \\ * The capability of existing or planned accelerator facilities to satisfy the above requirements, and If not: the necessary upgrades or new facilities. \\ * Enabling R&D and test facilities necessary to develop upgrades and new facilities. Proposals are solicited on the following topics: \\ * PIP-II and beyond \\ * Global neutrino-producing accelerators\\ * Cyclotron sources\\ * Other megawatt class proton accelerators \\ * NuSTORM and Nu-Factories \\ * Novel accelerator concepts (non-linear optics, FFAG, etc.) * New ideas \\ * Related R&D Liaisons will be established with: \\ * NF09: Artificial Neutrino Sources Topical Group (L. Fields) \\ * AF5: Accelerators for PBC and Rare Processes \\ * AF7: Accelerator Technology R&D \\ ===== Submitted LOI ===== Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before "/" corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. {{url>https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/list.php?frontier=AF2 noborder 95%,600px}}