====== AF1: Beam Physics and Accelerator Education ====== Co-Conveners: Zhirong Huang (SLAC/Stanford), Steve Lund (MSU), Mei Bai (SLAC) ===== Description===== Beam physics and Accelerator Science & Technology (AST) education are critical to the future of HEP accelerator facilities worldwide. This Topical Group will focus on: * The relationship of Beam Physics and AST education to the US HEP program, and outreach to the worldwide accelerator communities. * The relationship of AST for HEP to other programs within the DOE Office of Science and other international science and research organizations. * Identify ongoing and potential research topics necessary to advance the frontiers of AST for HEP. We are soliciting 2-page Letters of Interest (LoI’s; see https://snowmass21.org/loi for submission information) from the community to this working group. The LoI’s should serve as an extended abstract for a future contributed paper. Authors are encouraged to bring in collaborators and follow up with a full writeup for their work. Please note that the outreach activities will also overlap with the Community Involvement WG https://snowmass21.org/community/start. For reference: materials of two 2019-20 GARD Accelerator and Beam Physics (ABP) Workshops are available at https://conferences.lbl.gov/event/279/ and https://indico.fnal.gov/event/22709/. The workshop conveners identified four ABP grand challenges: * **Grand challenge #1 (beam intensity):** How do we increase beam intensities by orders of magnitude? * **Grand challenge #2 (beam quality):** How do we increase beam phase-space density by orders of magnitude, towards quantum degeneracy limit? * **Grand challenge #3 (beam control):** How do we control the beam distribution down to the level of individual particles? * **Grand challenge #4 (beam prediction):** How do we develop predictive “virtual particle accelerators”? In addition to these grand challenges, other important ABP missions are associated with the overall DOE HEP missions: * Advance the physics of accelerators and beams to push the frontiers of accelerator facilities. * Develop, in coordination with other GARD thrusts, both conventional and advanced accelerator concepts and tools to reduce technology cost while advancing performance. * To guide and help fully exploit the scientific and technology potential of both HEP GARD facilities and operational accelerators. * Controls, AI, computing and data science for improved accelerator performance * Education, training and outreach activities to help secure a strong pipeline of talented and skilled AST workers advance the field for generations to come. ===== Submitted LOI ===== Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before "/" corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. {{url>https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/list.php?frontier=AF1 border 100%,1600px}}