====== Steering Group Meeting ====== Date and Time * Friday, July 3, 12:00 - 1:30 pm CDT ZOOM: * https://uchicagogroup.zoom.us/j/170161490?pwd=NFFRNGMyWnBwdVpWSERxc21nYTJjUT09 Agenda * (10') Accelerator Frontier: AF4 (multi-TeV colliders) - Young-Kee with AF conveners * (10') Cosmic Frontier Frontier: CF7 (Cosmic Probes of Fundamental Physics) - Glennys with CF conveners * (10') Instrumentation Frontier: IF10 (Radio Detectors) and IF11 (Lower Noise Materials) - Glennys with IF conveners * (10') Rare and Precision Frontier: RF7 (Hadron Spectroscopy) - Young-Kee * (10') Rare and Precision Frontier: RF8 (Tabletop Searches for Fundamental Physics) - Glennys * (10') Community Engagement Frontier: CommF7 (Environmental Impact) - Young-Kee * (20') Program Committee for the Snowmass Community: 10 representatives from 10 Frontiers (complete), early careers, ~4 people with overall and global views