====== All Frontier Conveners Meeting #13 ====== Indico: [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/23821/|Agenda, Zoom info, Presentations]] __Date and Time__ * Monday, December 14 * 12:30 pm U.S. Central __ZOOM__ * https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/9903123901?pwd=YnhFOUF5MWFzeXNwcjRvVVNWbTlXQT09 __Agenda: Snowmass Schedule and Structure__ * Availability of CSS 2022 at UW Seattle - Shih-Chieh and Gordon * Feedback from the Early Careers Community - Sara and Julia * Feedback from each Frontier Community - Frontier Conveners * Conclusions and Next Steps __Google Doc (collecting information and feedback)__ * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GZPDuRaXW9HlRt-WTkEEojnYqmEwBkcdhRDPVWT5DsU/edit|Frontiers / Early Careers Summaries]] * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/188oo2u8oce1Oh0f6HBzrcgN5Fpi9wps3kMK_rV673tY/edit|Community Feedback]]