====== CF6. Dark Energy and Cosmic Acceleration: Complementarity of Probes and New Facilities ====== ^Name ^Institution ^Email | |Vivian Miranda|Stony Brook|vivian.miranda[at]stonybrook.edu| |Brenna Flaugher|Fermilab|brenna[at]fnal.gov| |David Schlegel|LBNL|djschlegel[at]lbl.gov| ====== Description ====== This group covers the connections between probes across multiple axes including combined probes across the early/late time regimes. This group also houses submissions that wish to provide an overview of a new facility (see last bullet point below). ====== Regular Meetings ====== We meet every other Wednesday 3pm CDT (alternating with CF4). Meetings will consist of one or two short talks and hopefully lots of discussion following. Zoom info: * Link: https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/7429296035?pwd=bjdTSDI0SmhSYTFzWmFZTnVxYU9jdz09 * Meeting ID: 742 929 6035 * Password: 358497 Running slide deck and notes: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1m5StnLoi2WWFFoVXpd5aEtXWIWBtTnORUgvRdT87kqA/edit Schedule: ^ Date ^ Topic 1 ^ Topic 2 ^ Recording ^ | Aug 5, 2020 | //Katrin Heitmann (Argonne):// \\ **Small Scale Project Portfolia** | // Brenna Flaugher (Fermilab):// \\ **BRN** | [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/en1i6gcbluu1dye/GMT20200805-200239_Chihway-Ch_1920x988.mp4?dl=0|recording]] | | Aug 19, 2020 | //Antonella Palmese (Fermilab): // \\ **Multi-messenger gravitational wave cosmology** | //Zarija Lukic (LBL) and Salman Habib (Argonne): // \\ **Summary of Computational Frontier Workshop and connection with CF6** | [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/4waxvbzh2pjbkzc/GMT20200819-200426_Chihway-Ch_1920x1050.mp4?dl=0|recording]] | | Sep 2, 2020 | //Andrew Hearin (Argonne): // \\ **Dark Energy Discovery with Multi-Survey Cross-Correlations** | TBC | ^ Date ^ Topic ^ Recording ^ | Oct 6, 2020 | CPM [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CJZUc2W0WHNmShEBczlKzCA2qdlhWGHORE_DIkPvxSE/edit#slide=id.g9e37a18b83_136_0|#142/143: Joint analysis]] [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18Shv9nS1G7gzWy-bzvxGJdK1iWyaC75TGCI4aGf3pUs/edit#slide=id.g9ae050a578_1_5|#68: Computing]] | | Oct 7, 2020 | CPM [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1TCHom6C1LrUC3UQJKudiPgCjZ8uNeF4-sYUXmSEh8HY/edit|#144: New Facilities]] | | | Oct 14, 2020 | Followup discussion of #144 | [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/9awgkr3iowrd44t/GMT20201014-200128_Snowmass-C_1600x800.mp4?dl=0|recording]] | | Oct 28, 2020 | Followup discussion of #142/143 | [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/giuh9608e7ej7t3/GMT20201028-201248_Snowmass-C_1600x800.mp4?dl=0|recording]] | | Nov 11, 2020 | "Joint-analysis" white paper discussion and updates | [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/a64ztqh2tq09t8v/Nov11.mp4?dl=0|recording1]] [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/j37qs51ufjxeq8q/Nov11_2.mp4?dl=0|recording2]] | ====== Potential Topics ====== * Analyses or science cases that have combination or cross-correlation between different experiments / probes as their primary goal. An example would be cross-correlation analyses of galaxy surveys with CMB lensing experiments. One might be tempted to classify this as CF4, but we think having it separate from experiments focusing on single experiments will highlight the various advantages of cross-correlation science and promote more synergistic designs for the experiments. For example, optimizing overlap of footprint. * Efforts to generate simulations that address the science needs of different experiments, especially if they facilitate joint analyses between experiments and deliver the outputs required for those experiments. For example, simulations with galaxies, HI and CMB products, modeled coherently and at similar levels of sophistication. * Analyses that explore consistency or inconsistency between different experiments. For example, H0 from supernova and CMB and GW. This includes analyses as well as development of theoretical ideas. * Projects that facilitate communication between large collaborations. For example, development of platforms to share and analyze large survey datasets across experiments. Another example is “schools” that bring junior researchers together to learn about state-of-the-art analysis techniques and foster collaborations. * Proposals that describe new facilities. The term “new facilities” here refers specifically to facilities that are not already funded by DOE. Submission to CF6 would include a description of the potential DOE scope (e.g. construction of spectrographs), in order to be included in the future P5 ranking process, and would likely be accompanied by submission to CF3/4/5/7, where the target science goals are described in more detail. For new facilities that already have white papers submitted to Astro2020 (e.g. MSE), an LOI submission linking to the Astro2020 white paper could provide the majority of the information. ====== LOI and White Paper Planning ====== The list of LOIs discussed in the CPM session #142/143 (Joint Analysis) is [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yGQoh1MMO7z2QX5jZ6UWvkrdDYyFn3H7sJ2YtIhOMZM/edit|here]]; for #144 (New Facility Overview) it is [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VwgCFtTMq8FYzGXEuABXNbHVxhzUXfOTK6YP_XKnqdc/edit|here]]. Current planned white paper plans for **Complementarity of Probes** (from #142/143) - **Importance/power of joint-analysis for “static” science (LSS x CMB/IM/x-ray etc.):** #wp-cf06-static-probes - **Importance/power of joint-analysis for “transient” science (LSS x GW, different GW probes, SN, other transients etc.):** #wp-cf06-transient-probes - **Importance of cross-collaboration infrastructure:** #wp-cf06-collaboration //Note that this list is still subject to change/expanding. Join slack channel or contact the conveners (Chihway: chihway@kicp.uchicago.edu, Brenna: brenna@fnal.gov, David: djschlegel@lbl.gov) if you like to get involved!// ====== Timeline ====== The final deadline for the white papers will be end of **July 2021**, with the **April 2021** APS meeting being a milestone to shoot for a reasonably complete draft. Before that, white paper writing groups will report every other week in the CF6 group meetings to track progress. The snowmass report writers will work in parallel to produce a report that captures the important ideas in the white papers. What has happened so far: * Oct 6-7, 2020: CPM, LOI presented and initial discussion of grouping into WP * Oct 14, 2020: Followup discussion for new facilities (#144) * Oct 28, 2020: Followup discussion for joint-analysis (#142/143), initial ideas for WP list * Nov 11, 2020: Joint-analysis (#142/143) WP discussion and updates from the 3 WP groups * Dec 9, 2020: Joint-analysis (#142/143) WP groups report first meeting and draft outline of WP, also any timeline for the group What's happening next: ====== Submitted LOIs ====== Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before "/" corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. {{url>https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/list.php?frontier=CF6 border 100%,600px}}