====== CF1. Dark Matter: Particle-like ====== * Jodi Cooley (SMU), Tongyan Lin (UCSD), Hugh Lippincott (UCSB), and Tracy Slatyer (MIT) * You can also email us using [[cooley@physics.smu.edu,tongyan@physics.ucsd.edu,hlippincott@ucsb.edu,tslatyer@mit.edu?subject=Snowmass CF1|this link]], or write to cooley[at]physics.smu.edu, tongyan[at]physics.ucsd.edu, hlippincott[at]ucsb.edu, and tslatyer[at]mit.edu * Email list: * For instructions how to join an Email list refer to [[https://snowmass21.org/cosmic/start#communications| Cosmic Frontier/Communications]] * Slack channel: [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012JM41VQC/details/info| cf01-dark_matter_particle]] * Indico page for all CF1 meetings, with notes and recordings available for each past meeting: [[https://indico.fnal.gov/category/1193/ | https://indico.fnal.gov/category/1193]] ====== Description ====== This group covers dark matter in the regime where it appears in experiments as individual quanta, rather than coherently via wave phenomena. Techniques to search for such particles include directly through its interaction with detector materials, indirectly from products of its annihilation, and via production at accelerators (primarily covered in other frontiers). ====== Summer/Fall 2020 Meetings ====== We held a series of 90 minute meetings for the CF1 topical group in August and September of 2020. These meetings included a mixture of short talks, panels, and general discussion and questions, informed by the responses from the interest survey and the discussion at the kickoff meeting. Thanks to all of you who attended the meetings or filled in the survey. In November and December, we held a series of meeting describing our Big Questions White Paper planning, requesting feedback and volunteers to be coordinators and contributors. Our Indico page contains meeting details, including recordings and real-time minutes, for all CF1 meetings: https://indico.fnal.gov/category/1193 ====== Big Questions White Papers ====== In November 2020, we set out ~8 "Big Questions" that could be addressed by the community via white papers. The focus of these papers can still change as the community works together to talk about what is most important, but the topics to first order are listed below, along with paper coordinators and the name of the relevant Snowmass slack channel. Everyone is welcome to contribute, so please contact the CF1 conveners or paper coordinators, or just join the slack channel to get involved. * Direct detection to the neutrino floor (theory motivation including EFT) * Coordinators: Prisca Cushman, Rick Gaitskell, Cristiano Galbiati, Ben Loer * Slack: #cf01-wp1-direct-detection-neutrino-floor * The landscape of low threshold detection in the next decade (theory motivation included by theory of detectors including AMO, bandgaps,etc more in #4) * Coordinators: Graham Giovanetti, Noah Kurinsky, Daniel McKinsey, Tien-Tien Yu * Slack: #cf01-wp2-low-threshold-detection * Calibration/backgrounds for direct detection - focus on cross-experiment cooperation (e.g. materials screening) * Coordinators: Dan Baxter, Raymond Bunker, Sally Shaw, Shawn Westerdale * Slack: #cf01-wp3-calibration-backgrounds-direct * Computing/simulation/modeling/statistics needs for direct detection - we’re sort of thinking of simulation/modeling of new materials - like NEST but for new stuff (theory needed for particle interactions in materials as opposed to particle theory models) * Coordinators: Yoni Kahn, Maria Elena Monzani, Kim Palladino * Slack: #cf01-wp4-comp-model-stats-direct * The landscape of cosmic-ray and high-energy photon probes of particle dark matter * Coordinators: Regina Caputo, Stefano Profumo, Philip von Doetinchem * Slack: #cf01-wp5-cosmic-ray-and-photon-probes * Puzzling excesses and how we can resolve their origin/existence * Coordinators: Liang Yang, Rebecca Leane, Sam McDermott * Slack: #cf01-wp6-puzzling-excesses * Synergies between DM searches and multiwavelength/multimessenger astrophysics / understanding astrophysical backgrounds * Coordinators: Shunsaki Horiuchi, Kerstin Perez, Devin Walker * Slack: #cf01-wp7-dm-synergies-with-multiwavelength-astro * Ultraheavy particle dark matter / probing the heaviest particle dark matter candidates (envisaged to be a shorter paper than some others) * Coordinators: Andrea Albert, Dan Carney * #cf01-wp8-ultraheavy-particle-dm ====== Submitted LOI ====== Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before "/" corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. {{url>https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/list.php?frontier=CF1 border 100%,1600px}}