====== EF05: QCD and strong interactions: Precision QCD ====== * co-Conveners: Michael Begel, Stefan Hoeche, Michael Schmitt * Email list: * For instructions how to join an Email list refer to [[https://snowmass21.org/energy/start#communications| Energy Frontier/Communications]] ~~NOCACHE~~ ===== Description===== This topical group covers the following: physics with jet and jet substructure, calculations of higher-order effects and their impact on precision QCD physics, measurements of the strong coupling constant and its running, measurements of quark masses, PDF fits and PDF-sensitive measurements, W/Z(+jets) boson production, and techniques to improve accuracy of future MC event generators. There is a strong synergy with other EF groups, including [[energy:EF06]] and [[energy:EF07]] and also the [[https://snowmass21.org/theory/precision|TF06 group on the Theory Frontier]]. If you have a topic you feel would be of interest to the group, please contact the conveners: . =====Meetings===== Our meetings generally take place on Mondays. Recent meetings include: * May 18, 2020: [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/43273/|Kick-off]] * June 1, 2020: [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/43488/|Orientation: past and recent work.]] * June 30, 2020: [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/43490/|alpha_S]] * July 17, 2020: [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/44315/|MC event generator uncertainties]] * Aug 3-4, 2020: [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/44316/|Mini-workshop on non-perturbative uncertainties]] * Aug 24, 2020: [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/45073/|Letters of Intent]] * Sep 21, 2020: [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/45614/|Jet substructure]] * Oct 12, 2020: [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/45893/|LOI: alpha_S]] * Oct 26, 2020: [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/46101/|LOI: precision calculations]] The general link is [[https://indico.fnal.gov/category/1139/|here]]. =====Topics===== Some (but not all) of the topics addressed by EF05: * Measurements of alphaS * Parton Distribution Functions (together with [[energy:E06]]) * Connections between the High-Luminosity LHC and e.g. the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) (together with [[energy:EF07]]) * Jet substructure * Theoretical calculations: fixed-order pQCD * Theoretical calculations: resummation * Non-perturbative aspects * MC Event Generators * Quality of theory predictions for Higgs boson, top quark production, etc. Other topics include Lattice QCD, Connections to machine learning, jets and nuclear effects in lepton-ion scattering, spin observables, precision calculations at small xBj, Regge trajectories, etc. =====Big Questions / Topics for Study===== A number of questions are emerging from the discussions in [[https://indico.fnal.gov/category/1139/|EF05 Meetings]]. This is a partial list: - What precision in alphaS can be reached by each future machine/experiment? - The HEP and EIC communities should develop some joint benchmarks for PDFs. (EIC accesses high xBj) - What is the evolution of jets as a function of energy at the EIC and at hadron colliders? What can EIC jet studies learn from techniques developed at the LHC? - Are jets universal? How can we tell? If not, how do we deal with non-universality in our hadronization models? - How can we get more precise and robust systematic uncertainties? How do experimental and theoretical uncertainties mix? - What is a theoretical uncertainty (e.g. renormalization and factorization scales)? How can "theoretical" uncertainties reported by experimentalists be decorrelated so that they can properly be taken into account? - It is important to explore PDFs coming from lattice calculations. Does the traditional PDF community need to provide guidance? - We need a "Les Houches" accord on a realistic assessment of parton shower uncertainties (and correlations). There are new ideas from the theory community about how to formulate these uncertainties. - How do we keep separate tuning of ostensibly non-perturbative parameters such as hdamp from perturbative physics which should be essentially parameter-free? - What can we learn about non-perturbative physics using minimum-bias events at the LHC? - How can we promote the analysis of Belle data to provide crucial information on non-perturbative QCD? - What information (if any) can be extracted from neutrino data - i.e., data used to calibrate beam fluxes? - Which spectra and measurements are most useful for constraining non-perturbative effects? - What is a better way to analyze and study multiple-parton interactions (and the underlying event)? - Can the community provide an informal rating of MC event generators? What would be the basis for such a rating? - ====Monte Carlo event samples==== The plan for generating and organizing Monte Carlo event samples comes from the [[montecarlo:energy|Monte Carlo Task Force]] led by John Stupak. =====Getting Involved===== Researchers with interests in precision QCD should contact the organizers to arrange a presentation or contribution. Activities will be grouped around several **Letters of Interest**. The portal for submitting an LOI is [[https://snowmass21.org/loi|here]]. ===== Submitted LOI ===== Letters of Intent submitted to Energy Frontier (as primary frontier) [[https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/?dir=summaries/EF| shown in this link]]. Here is the list of submitted LOIs that include EF as primary or secondary topic. First index before "/" corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. {{url>https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/list.php?frontier=EF5 border 100%,1200px}}