{{htmlmetatags> metatag-robots=(index, follow) metatag-keywords=(Snowmass ENERGY FRONTIER ) metatag-description=(Snowmass21 ENERGY, FRONTIER ) metatag-og:description=(Snowmass ENERGY FRONTIER ) }} ====== Communications ====== * Guidelines for implementation of Snowmass Delay by Energy Frontier is posted on the page [[https://snowmass21.org/energy/efdelay | Snowmass Delay EF Guidelines]] * Join the **Energy Frontier email list**: (see instructions below) * How to reach EF conveners and all Topical Group conveners - e-mail lists: * EF conveners: * All Topical Group convenors: * **Topical Group e-mail lists**, please subscribe to the one or more of your choice (see instructions below): * * * * * * * * * * * **How to join an EF email list** out of those listed above: - **Send an e-mail message to __listserv@fnal.gov__ with** - Subject line blank, and - Type the following text in the body of your message: “SUBSCRIBE SNOWMASS-ENERGY-FRONTIER-GROUP FIRSTNAME LASTNAME” without the quotation marks, and replacing SNOWMASS-ENERGY-FRONTIER-GROUP with the corresponding string from the mailing-lists above, e.g. SNOWMASS-EF-01-HIGGS_PROPERTIES. If you need help, email meenakshi_narain[AT]brown.edu. * **Slack Channels**, please subscribe to those of your choice (see instructions below) * //Slack channels for topics common to the entire Energy Frontier//: [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/CPT6YDYMU/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| energy_frontier_topics]] , and [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C011XRYB4B1/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| energy_frontier_meetings]] * //Slack channels for topics specifics to the individual EF Topic Groups//: * [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C0125HAN6B0/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| ef01-higgs_properties]] * [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012CFSM6LA/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| ef02-bsm_higgs]] * [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012CN4BNRZ/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| ef03-top_heavy_flavors]] * [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C011XPUS479/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| ef04-ewk_constraints]] * [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012CN78JMR/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| ef05-precision_qcd]] * [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C011XPX1EEB/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| ef06-had_fwd_qcd]] * [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C011XPXMQKH/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| ef07-heavy_ions]] * [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C0125PYCH7G/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| ef08-bsm_models]] * [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C0132BGCTNC/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| ef09-bsm_generic]] * [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012JM41VQC/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| ef10-dark_matter]] * Please use the [[https://join.slack.com/t/snowmass2021/shared_invite/zt-dcqdpd9v-BepUKn8J0oMa55LaIuDogw | Snowmass Slack Invite link]] to join. If you sign up for the general Snowmass email list then you will be signed up for the slack channel as well.