====== NF03: BSM ====== Co-Conveners: Pilar Coloma (IFT, Madrid), Lisa Koerner (U. of Houston), Ian Shoemaker (Virginia Tech), Jae Yu (UT Arlington) ===== Description===== This topical group focuses on **searches for signals from physics Beyond the Standard Model** (BSM), both from a theoretical and experimental perspective. Specific topics include (but are not limited to) the following: **Neutrino-related BSM topics:** - Sterile Neutrino (aka Heavy Neutral Lepton) signals in a variety of experiments: fixed targets, atmospheric neutrinos, colliders, supernovae, etc - Imprints of Kaluza-Klein modes in oscillations, in models with extra dimensions. - Searches for Lorentz and CPT violation signals. - Non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI) and non-unitarity of the PMNS (NU), including NSI from models with new light mediators (Z'). - Testable Leptogenesis scenarios, specially those originating from low-scale seesaw models - Models leading to neutrino-dark matter portals, and bounds from neutrino experiments. - Neutrino tridents in models with new low-mass mediators - Bounds on neutrino decay from oscillation data (solar, long-baseline, short-baseline), as well as from high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. **Searches for BSM in other sectors using Neutrino Facilities:** - Searches for low-mass dark matter/dark photons using neutrino beam experiments, including dark tridents - Searches for (in)elastic boosted dark matter in large neutrino detectors - Searches for milli-charged particles, using neutrino beam experiments as well as atmospheric neutrino detectors - Baryon number violation in large neutrino detectors, including nucleon decay and n-nbar oscillations - Lepton-flavor violation searches, and their consequences for neutrino mass models - Neutrinoless double-beta decay: current status, prospects and implications for neutrino mass models ===== Activities ===== **Kick-off meeting**: a fully virtual meeting which will span two 3-hour sessions, divided into two different days: - __September 17th (9am to 12pm Chicago time)__: this day will be devoted to BSM in the neutrino sector. Indico page: https://indico.fnal.gov/event/44987/ - __October 1st (9am to 12pm Chicago time)__: this day will be devoted to BSM scenarios in other sectors, that can be tested using neutrino experiments. Indico page: https://indico.fnal.gov/event/44988/ The program will include a combination of general overview talks, more focused talks by authors of specific LoIs, and discussion sessions. **Joint workshop with other topical groups**: this will be a joint workshop between several topical groups in the Neutrino Frontier, Rare Processes & Precision Frontier, and Theory Frontier. Depending on the situation regarding the COVID pandemic, this may be a face-to-face workshop, or a fully virtual one. Tentative dates are **Feb 24 - Feb 27, 2021**. More information will follow soon. ===== Submitted LOI ===== Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topical group. First index before "/" corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. {{url>https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/list.php?frontier=NF3 border 100%,2000px}}