====== NF06: Neutrino Interaction Cross Sections ====== Co-Conveners: Baha Balantekin (U. Wisconsin), Steven Gardiner (FNAL), Kendall Mahn (Michigan State U.), Jason Newby (ORNL) ===== Description===== This topical group covers neutrino interactions on a wide range of target nuclei and across the full spectrum of neutrino energies. We expect the topics in this group to include measurements across the relevant energy ranges for current and future planned neutrino oscillation experiments, electron,pion, and photon-nucleus scattering experiments and how they can help inform the neutrino scattering community, low energy neutrino cross-sections relevant for supernova physics, very high-energy neutrino cross-sections, details on the theoretical developments of neutrino-nucleus interactions, discussions on neutrino event generators, and techniques on neutrino energy estimation methods. [[neutrino:cross_sections:letters:inviteloi|Invitation to participate]] ===== Submitted LOI ===== Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topical group. First index before "/" corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. {{url>https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/list.php?frontier=NF6 noborder 95%,600px}}