====== NF01: Neutrino Oscillations ====== Co-Conveners: Peter B. Denton (BNL), Megan Friend (KEK), Mark Messier (Indiana U.), Hiro Tanaka (SLAC) ===== Description===== Physics of neutrino oscillations in the three-flavor paradigm. ====== Topics ====== A brief overview of the goals of the topical group, many of which have connections with many of the other topical groups ==== Probes ==== - Accelerator: short baseline, long baseline - Reactor: short baseline, medium baseline, long baseline - Solar - Atmospheric - Low energy astrophysical (supernova, diffuse supernova neutrino background, cosmic neutrino background, ...) - High energy astrophysical - Neutrino oscillation theory ==== Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) in Oscillations ==== - Light steriles (~1 eV) - Neutrino Non-Standard Interactions (NSI) - Unitarity - Decay - Decoherence - Large Extra Dimensions (LED) - Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) / CPT violation - Unparticles - Combinations of the above ===== Meetings===== We will have a series of six short 1.5 hour meetings to discuss the present and future status of neutrino oscillations. All times are **eastern** time. Each meeting will have three 20 minute talks followed by 30 minutes of open discussion including mini talks by anyone who would like to. Please register in advance. - Thursday, September 3, 11 AM: Global fits, NOvA, and T2K. [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/45036/]] - Friday, September 11, 10 AM: JUNO, SuperK, IceCube. [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/45296/]] - Friday, October 2, 10 AM: Precision, DUNE, T2HK oscillations. [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/45695/]] - Friday, October 23, 10 AM: DUNE/T2HK upgrade options. [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/46071/]] - Thursday, October 29, 11 AM: nuSTORM and SK/HK-Gd. [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/46258/]] - Thursday, November 19, 9 AM: Cross sections for oscillations, PRISM, electron scattering. [[https://indico.fnal.gov/event/46570/]] ===== Slides===== April 28, 2020 meeting: {{ :neutrino:oscillations:nu_osc_snowmass_20_04_28.pdf |}} ===== Submitted LOI ===== Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topical group. First index before "/" corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. {{url>https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/list.php?frontier=NF1 border 100%,1000px}}