====== NF05: Neutrino properties ====== Co-Conveners: Carlo Giunti (Torino), Julieta Gruszko (UNC Chapel Hill), Ben Jones (UT Arlington), Diana Parno (Carnegie Mellon U.) **Everything about a neutrino is a neutrino property!** Therefore our working group has strong overlap with all the groups in the neutrino frontier. However, the following areas are centrally within the mandate of this working group: **Direct Neutrino Mass Measurements:** * Tritium end-point experiments * Electron capture experiments * Any other direct (non-oscillation) methods of neutrino mass measurement **Majorana vs Dirac Fermions:** * Neutrinoless double beta decay * Neutrinoless double electron capture * Two-neutrino modes * Majorana phases * Pseudo-Dirac Neutrinos * g_A, nuclear matrix elements, etc **Neutrino Electromagnetic Properties:** * Charge radius * Electric dipole moment * Magnetic dipole moment * Spin and spin-flavor precession **We will also be considering more esoteric topics like:** * Neutrino lifetime * Number of active neutrinos * Gravitational interactions * Non-oscillation measures of lorentz or CP violation * etc **And, exploring overlap with other working groups on areas including:** * Mixing angles and Δm2 valies * Mass ordering * CP violation * PMNS unitarity / non-unitarity * Non-standard interactions (in oscillations, CEvNS, or cosmology) * Lorentz and CPT violation in oscillations * Coherence properties and quantum gravity connections * Light sterile neutrinos * Heavy sterile neutrinos * Collider searchers for Majorana fermions * Weak mixing angle * Astrophysical probes * Connections to dark energy or dark matter If you are interested in these topics, please join our slack channel and our listserv. Listserv subscription instructions: - Send an e-mail message to listserv A T fnal.gov - Leave the subject line blank - Type “SUBSCRIBE SNOWMASS-NF05-PROPERTIES FIRSTNAME LASTNAME” (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message. ===== Submitted LOI ===== Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topical group. First index before "/" corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. {{url>https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/list.php?frontier=NF5 noborder 95%,600px}}