====== RARE PROCESSES AND PRECISION MEASUREMENTS ====== ===== Frontier Conveners===== ^Name ^Institution ^email | |Marina Artuso|Syracuse University|martuso[at]syr.edu| |Bob Bernstein|Fermi National Accelerator Lab|rhbob[at]fnal.gov| |Alexey A Petrov|Wayne State University|apetrov[at]wayne.edu| ===== Description===== The Frontier for Rare Processes and Precision Measurements explores fundamental physics with intense sources and ultra-sensitive detectors. It encompasses seeking tiny deviations from Standard Model expectations in properties and transitions of elementary particle and searches for extremely rare processes. The Frontier for Rare Processes and Precision Measurements experiments use precision measurements to probe quantum effects and employ sophisticated theoretical techniques for their interpretations. These experiments typically investigate new laws of physics that manifest themselves at higher energies or weaker interactions than those directly accessible at high-energy particle accelerators. These experiments require the greatest possible beam intensities of electrons, muons, photons or hadrons, as well as large detectors, which provide an opportunity for substantial new discoveries complementary to other Frontier experiments. Please follow the links to the Topical Groups below to learn about specific topics, experiments, and theoretical methods employed in the Frontier for Rare Processes and Precision Measurements. ===== Report and Report Schedule ===== Final versions of contributed papers (white papers) are due March 31; preliminary Topical Group reports are due May 6; preliminary Frontier-wide report is due June 31; a final report will be done shortly after Snowmass. We hope everyone will be in contact so that the process is not purely sequential. The Executive Summary of the RPF Frontier is available https://www.dropbox.com/s/wh3csmuh0xtnuac/RareAndPrecisionReport.pdf?dl=0 here. Please comment using the Google Doc link below. Google Doc for comments on the Executive Summary is [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vu2hz6E-qTpKH9eGI4EpKJH6OlmDJ_wF7ipwlx4Jtt0/edit?usp=sharing|here]]. ===== Topical groups ===== Topical Conveners: * Weak Decays of b and c quarks: Angelo Di Canto/Stefan Meinel * Weak Decays of strange and light quarks: Evgueni Goudzovski/Emilie Passemar * Fundamental Physics in Small Experiments: Peter Winter/Tom Blum * Baryon and Lepton Number Violation: Pavel Fileviez Perez/Andrea Pocar * Charged Lepton Flavor Violation: Bertrand Echenard/Sacha Davidson * Dark Sector at High Intensities: Mike Williams/Stefania Gori * Hadronic Spectroscopy: Tomasz Skwarnicki/Richard Lebed Liaisons with other frontiers: * Energy Frontier: Manuel Franco Sevilla * Neutrino Frontier: Bob Bernstein * Cosmic Frontier: Susan Gardner * Theory Frontier: Alexey Petrov * Accelerator Frontier: Bob Bernstein * Instrumentation Frontier: Marina Artuso * Computational Frontier: Mike Williams * Community Engagement Frontier: Sophie Middleton **Useful References:** * Snowmass 2013 Report: https://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/C1307292/ * The 2020 European Strategy Physics Briefing: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.11775.pdf ===== Calendar of meetings ===== The first meeting of the Frontier has been set for March 2021. {{url>https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=qhfmk1lgqdv2rrpcun5jdt4fv0%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York 100%,750px}} ===== Communications ===== There are several ways to get in touch: **Meetings:** * Meetings are via Indico. Go to this [[https://indico.fnal.gov/category/1102/|Indico link for our Frontier]] to find agendas. * All your slides should be uploaded first in docdb with the following keywords: //list them here // * Your docdb link for this Frontier is https://projects-docdb.fnal.gov/cgi-bin/ListBy?topicid=648 * Then provide the direct link on Indico to the slides which reside on docdb **Mailing lists and SLACK channels:** * Join the **Rare and Precision Frontier email list**: (instructions below) * RP conveners and Topical Group convenors: * **Topical Group e-mail lists**, please subscribe to the one or more of your choice (see instructions below): - - - - - - - * For joining the Snowmass **mailing lists** - Send an e-mail message to listserv[at]fnal.gov - Leave the subject line blank - Type "SUBSCRIBE NAMEOFLIST FIRSTNAME LASTNAME" (without the quotation marks, and replacing NAMEOFLIST with the corresponding name of the list you want to subscribe to, e.g. SNOWMASS-RP-FRONTIER or SNOWMASS-RPF-01-HEAVY-QUARKS) in the body of your message. **SLACK channels** * //Slack channels for topics common to the entire Rare & Precision Frontier//: [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/CPTLST2QG/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| rare_precision_and_darkprod_frontier_topics]] , and [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012WQMSUN8/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| rare_precision_frontier_meetings]] * //Slack channels for topics specifics to the individual RPF Topic Groups//: - [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012J940V5Y/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| rpf-01-heavy-quarks]] - [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012GTCK1FF/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| rpf-02-light-quarks]] - [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012JFANFMH/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| rpf-03-fundamental-small]] - [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012JFB8G2F/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| rpf-04-blnv]] - [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012J96JDCJ/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| rpf-05-clfv]] - [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012BH1K8QN/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| rpf-06-dark-sector]] - [[https://app.slack.com/client/TNNU4A570/C012BH1K8QN/details/top?cdn_fallback=2| rpf-07-spectroscopy]] * For joining the **R&P SLACK** channel - Go to https://snowmass2021.slack.com/ If your institution's domain is on the list, join in. - If your institution is not on the list, send an email to any of the Frontier's conveners to get an invitation. - If you subscribe to the general email list SNOWMASS then you will be signed up for the snowmass2021 Slack workspace as well. ===== Submitted LOI ===== Here is the list of submitted LOI to this frontier. First index before "/" corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. Please go to the "topical" group to see the LOIs submitted to specific topics. Documents with "RF0" will be shown only here (no specific topic). {{url>https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/list.php?frontier=RF border 100%,7000px}}