====== UNDERGROUND FACILITIES ====== ===== Frontier Conveners ===== ^Name ^Institution ^email | |Laura Baudis|University of Zurich|laura.baudis[at]physik.uzh.ch| |Jeter Hall|SNOLAB|Jeter.Hall[at]snolab.ca| |Kevin Lesko|Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory|ktlesko[at]lbl.gov| |John Orrell|Pacific Northwest National Laboratory|john.orrell[at]pnnl.gov| Liaison from Snowmass Early Career: * Pietro Giampa (SNOLAB) pgiampa[at]triumf.ca ===== Description ===== This topic crosscuts several scientific Frontiers. Underground_Facilities_and_Infrastructure covers requirements for underground science to succeed, including underground lab development, low background methods, and interdisciplinary synergies. ===== Topical groups ===== * UF01 - [[uf01_neutrinos|Underground Facilities for Neutrinos]] * {{ :underground:snowmassbook_uf1-neutrinos.pdf |Draft UF1 report}} * UF02 - [[uf02_cosmic|Underground Facilities for Cosmic Frontier]] * {{ :underground:snowmassbook_uf2-cosmic.pdf |Draft UF2 report}} * UF03 - [[uf03_detectors|Underground Detectors]] * Absorbed into UF5 * UF04 - [[uf04_supporting|Supporting Capabilities]] * {{ :underground:snowmassbook_uf4-supporting.pdf |Draft UF4 report}} * UF05 - [[uf05_synergistic|Synergistic Research]] * {{ :underground:snowmassbook_uf5-synergies.pdf |Draft UF5 report}} * UF06 - [[uf06_strategy|An Integrated Strategy for Underground Facilities and Infrastructure]] ===== Meetings ===== * Include your own ZOOM information for your Frontier * Any other information about meetings can go here. For example, calendars. * Meetings are via Indico. Go to [[https://indico.fnal.gov/category/1108/|Indico link for our Frontier]] to find agendas. * All your slides should be uploaded first in docdb with the following keywords: //list them here // * Your docdb link for this Frontier is HERE * Then provide the direct link on Indico to the slides which reside on docdb ===== Submitted LOIs ===== Letters of Intent submitted to Underground Facilities (as primary frontier) [[https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/?dir=summaries/UF|shown in this link]]. Here is the list of submitted LOIs that include UF as primary or secondary topic. First index before "/" corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. {{url>https://www.snowmass21.org/docs/files/list.php?frontier=UF border 100%,1200px}}