Table of Contents

AF4: Multi-TeV Colliders

Co-Conveners: Alexander Valishev (Fermilab), Mark Palmer (BNL), Nadia Pastrone (INFN/Torino) , Jingyu Tang (IHEP)


For the past 50 years Particle Colliders have been at the forefront of scientific discoveries in high energy physics. This working group will focus on potential machine routes, R&D requirements, and possible timelines to deliver colliders that could operate in the 1-100 TeV center-of-mass energy range (or beyond). The topics that we will address include:

The first two topics above, will be explored in conjunction with the relevant Snowmass 2021 physics working groups. For each of the machine concepts, we are soliciting a set of Letters of Intent from the accelerator community that individually address:

  1. The machine concept
  2. The R&D needs to deliver a potential future capability
  3. The connections of the technology to existing facilities (e.g. to provide potential facility construction and/or R&D pathways)

A more detailed request for these LOIs will be circulated shortly after the APS April Meeting 2020. A schedule for both joint meetings and AF4 discussions will also be developed at that point.

Many relevant publications can be found at: ,,

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.