Table of Contents

AF1: Beam Physics and Accelerator Education

Co-Conveners: Zhirong Huang (SLAC/Stanford), Steve Lund (MSU), Mei Bai (SLAC)


Beam physics and Accelerator Science & Technology (AST) education are critical to the future of HEP accelerator facilities worldwide. This Topical Group will focus on:

We are soliciting 2-page Letters of Interest (LoI’s; see for submission information) from the community to this working group. The LoI’s should serve as an extended abstract for a future contributed paper. Authors are encouraged to bring in collaborators and follow up with a full writeup for their work. Please note that the outreach activities will also overlap with the Community Involvement WG

For reference: materials of two 2019-20 GARD Accelerator and Beam Physics (ABP) Workshops are available at and The workshop conveners identified four ABP grand challenges:

In addition to these grand challenges, other important ABP missions are associated with the overall DOE HEP missions:

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.