Beam physics and Accelerator Science & Technology (AST) education are critical to the future of HEP accelerator facilities worldwide.
This Topical Group will focus on:
The relationship of Beam Physics and AST education to the US HEP program, and outreach to the worldwide accelerator communities.
The relationship of AST for HEP to other programs within the DOE Office of Science and other international science and research organizations.
Identify ongoing and potential research topics necessary to advance the frontiers of AST for HEP.
We are soliciting 2-page Letters of Interest (LoI’s; see for submission information) from the community to this working group. The LoI’s should serve as an extended abstract for a future contributed paper. Authors are encouraged to bring in collaborators and follow up with a full writeup for their work. Please note that the outreach activities will also overlap with the Community Involvement WG
For reference: materials of two 2019-20 GARD Accelerator and Beam Physics (ABP) Workshops are available at and The workshop conveners identified four ABP grand challenges:
Grand challenge #1 (beam intensity): How do we increase beam intensities by orders of magnitude?
Grand challenge #2 (beam quality): How do we increase beam phase-space density by orders of magnitude, towards quantum degeneracy limit?
Grand challenge #3 (beam control): How do we control the beam distribution down to the level of individual particles?
Grand challenge #4 (beam prediction): How do we develop predictive “virtual particle accelerators”?
In addition to these grand challenges, other important ABP missions are associated with the overall DOE HEP missions:
Advance the physics of accelerators and beams to push the frontiers of accelerator facilities.
Develop, in coordination with other GARD thrusts, both conventional and advanced accelerator concepts and tools to reduce technology cost while advancing performance.
To guide and help fully exploit the scientific and technology potential of both HEP GARD facilities and operational accelerators.
Controls, AI, computing and data science for improved accelerator performance
Education, training and outreach activities to help secure a strong pipeline of talented and skilled AST workers advance the field for generations to come.