Table of Contents

CompF2: Theoretical Calculations and Simulation

CompF2 activities have paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new timeline is explained here.

Before the decision to pause, we (the conveners) were working on a proposal for a survey to collect information to transform requirements of near-future and far-future physics programs into S&C effort and R&D. Given that the new timeline plans for the first draft of the topical group reports to be delivered AFTER the white papers submission deadline, and not before as was the case previous to the pause, we have decided to morph the survey into a list of questions we will be encouraging authors to address in their papers. We are working on this list of questions right now and welcome comments and suggestions on a first draft available here.

We will also be consulting domain contact people to discuss ideas about how to hit the road running immediately after the pause. Of course, everyone is welcome to contact us directly on this or any other matter.

Working Group Co-Conveners

Name Institution email
Peter BoyleBNL[email protected]
Daniel ElviraFNAL[email protected], before 9/2021
Kevin PedroFNAL[email protected], after 9/2021
Ji QiangLBL[email protected]

Sub-domains and Contact People

For practical purposes, group activities are divided into six subdomains: cosmic calculations, accelerator modeling, beam and detector simulation, physics generators, perturbative calculations, and lattice QCD. During the first CompF2, volunteers were identify to serve as contact people for each sub-domain. These volunteers are responsible for the self-organization of each sub-domain and for establishing a process to contribute a section of the CompF2 report.

Sub-domain Contact People email
Cosmic Calculations Salman Habib (ANL), Zarija Lukic (LBL) [email protected], [email protected]
Accelerator Simulation Axel Huebl (LBL), Cho-Kuen Ng (SLAC), David Sagan (Cornell), Eric Stern (FNAL), Jean-Luc Vay (LBL), Ji Qiang (LBL) [email protected], [email protected], david. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Beam and Detector SimulationKrzysztof Genser (FNAL), Vincent Pascuzzi (LBL) [email protected], [email protected]
Physics GeneratorsHugh Gallagher (Tufts), Philip Ilten (Cincinatti), Stefan Höche (FNAL), Steve Mrenna (FNAL), Steven Gardiner (FNAL), Taylor Childers (ANL) [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Perturbative Calculations Andreas von Manteuffel (Michigan State) [email protected]
Lattice QCD Andreas Kronfeld (FNAL) [email protected]

How to Participate beyond submitting LOIs and White Papers

CompF2 conveners and sub-domain contact people can be reached via email (see above).

Meetings: CompF2 meets on Fridays 1-3 pm (Pacific), 2-4 pm (Central), 3-5 (Easter) upon necessity. Links to past and future meetings are available here.

Communication: on meetings, deadlines, group activity is done via email. Please subscribe to: [email protected] (Instructions)

Each sub-domain is free to establish its own means of communication. Some have their own websites and mailing lists:

Deadline Reminders

The Computational Frontier has established a modified time schedule which is consistent with a participative process allowing white paper drafts to be used as input to the first frontier report draft. CompF2 has also established internal deadlines consistent with the former.

Initial charge from CompF conveners

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topical group. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.