Table of Contents

CF4. Dark Energy and Cosmic Acceleration: The Modern Universe

Name Institution Email
James Annis Fermilabannis[at]
Jeffrey NewmanPittsburghjanewman[at]
Anže Slosar BNLanze[at]


This group covers cosmic probes of cosmology in the Modern Universe, when galaxies are fully formed. These probes include galaxy clusters, galaxy clustering, redshift space distortions, gravitational lensing, baryonic acoustic oscillations, supernovae and more. Spectroscopic, broad-band and multi-wavelength surveys are examples of experiments that will be primarily discussed in this working group. Other examples include projects involving CMB, 21cm, and gravitational wave observations.

Remote meetings in the run-up to November meeting

Telecons will happen roughly biweekly on Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time (or equivalently 2PM Mountain, 3PM Central and 4PM Eastern times) at:

The schedule should be updated on the Snowmass calendar and here:

Date Topic 1 Topic 2 Recording
July 15 Christophe Yeche (CEA-Irfu):
MaunaKea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE)
Kyle Dawson (University of Utah):
July 29 Martin White (Berkeley):
Cosmology before Noon
Alex Kim (Berkeley):
SN Peculiar Velocities Studies
Aug 12 Sherry Suyu (MPA Garching):
H0 with gravitational lenses in the next decade
Dave Erskine (LLNL), Eric Linder (Berkeley):
Cosmology at cm/s scale using ultra stable spectroscopic interferometry
Aug 26 LOI wordsmithing week
Sep 9 Simone Ferraro (LBL):
MegaMapper: Dark Energy and Inflation from spectroscopy at z>2
Yun Wang (Caltech):
ATLAS Probe: Astrophysics Telescope for Large Area Spectroscopy
Sep 23 Anže Slosar (BNL):
PUMA: Next Generation Intensity Mapping Experiment
Kirit Karkare (Chicago):
Millimeter-Wave Line Intensity Mapping
recording (75% complete)
Oct 7 Community Planning Meeting
Oct 21 Discussion of spectroscopic facilities recording
Nov 4 Planning the CF4 white papers slides recording
Feb 7 Jennifer Marshall (MSE/TAMU):
MSE: Conceptual design and recent updates
Kyle Dawson (Utah):
ESO's wide field spectroscopic telescope
recording (bootlegged, w/ Anze's secret tech)

Submitted LOIs

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.