Table of Contents

CF2. Dark Matter: Wave-like

Joerg Jaeckel (Heidelberg), Gray Rybka (UW), Lindley Winslow (MIT)

jjaeckel at, grybka at uw.ed, lwinslow at

SNOWMASS BREAK + Workshop Announcement

As you may have already heard, the Snowmass process is being pushed back by a year due to the pandemic. So we have a bit of a break to catch up, at least until the summer. When we know the updated schedule, we plan to resume the process of finding volunteers for community white papers, and will, of course, have more meetings to pick up any new ideas formed in the interim. Please stay tuned.

In the meantime there is still wave-like dark matter to be enjoyed. In particular the “Axions Beyond Gen 2” workshop: will take place 25-29 January. While the focus for this workshop is the QCD axion, time has been set aside for the Wavelike Dark Matter group in general to have a guided discussion on the afternoon of January 28th; please, feel free to register on the Indico site.

Townhall Notes

The slides (which also serve as minutes) are at:

We will send out a google form next week to collect nominations/volunteers for white papers.

We expect the Snowmass process for CF2 to really start getting started so please make sure all of your friends know how to get involved.

Townhall on White Papers December 3rd at 3pm Eastern Time

This townhall will serve as a forum to organization of the white papers.

Connection via Zoom:

Information on the Letters of Intent

The Letters of Intent (LOI) are meant to express ideas and interest in being considered in the Snowmass process. They mainly serve to organize the meeting in October.

While homogeneous groups should submit one common LOI it may be sensible to submit more than one LOI if there are different directions.concepts being pursued even within one collaboration. In this case please clearly identify the connections. Ongoing experiments may also contribute LOIs.

The LOI should be a concise (max 2 pages) document. It is due by August 31st and should include the following information:

We will also be collecting longer contributed papers for in depth discussions of physics motivations, design principles and R&D efforts. The LOIs the key document for our organisation.

LOIs for non-US collaborations

We also very much welcome LOIs from mainly non-US collaborations who may foresee future US collaboration partners or whose members may be partially US based. Being on the Map in the Snowmass process may help any US part of the collaboration being recognised and attract funding.

Kick off Meeting

July 15, 2020 at 8AM PDT, 10AM Central, 11AM Eastern

Purpose: Describe the Snowmass process and start getting community input.
The slides are here.

Connection via Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 961 2224 4145
Password: 822095

One tap mobile
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This group covers low mass bosonic dark matter in the regime where it appears in experiments coherently via wave phenomena rather than as individual quanta. Examples include the QCD axion and more general axions, dark photons, and scalar dark matter. Current experimental techniques include broadband and resonant searches via cavities, circuit oscillators, NMR, utilizing low noise readout with quantum sensing and amplification technologies.


Indico Pages:

Slack Channels:

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.