Table of Contents

EF01: EW Physics: Higgs Boson properties and couplings

Conveners Sally Dawson, Andrey Korytov, Caterina Vernieri
Mailing-list SNOWMASS-EF-01-HIGGS_PROPERTIES@FNAL.GOV (instructions)
Slack channel ef01-higgs_properties (instructions)
Next Meeting Feb 9, last meeting before mid-March deadline

EF01 studies Higgs properties, including mass, width, and couplings, at proposed future colliders including pp, e+e-, and ep machines. Double Higgs production and subsequent limits on the Higgs self-coupling are included in the EF01 activities, along with the combination of measurements of single and double Higgs production.

Group Topics

These topics will benefit from the synergies with other topical groups . All groups commit to working together to ensure the least possible duplication and a full sharing of information. Cross-group topics are:


Please express your interest in either performing a study or join studies in a particular area, using this simple google form.

Feel free to email us if you want to give a presentation at one of the upcoming meetings.

Relevant literature

An updated list of published studies on Higgs boson properties at future colliders can be found here


Wednesdays noon-2PM Eastern Time.

Thursdays 10 am-noon Eastern Time.

Submitted LOI

Letters of Intent submitted to Energy Frontier (as primary frontier) shown in this link. Here is the list of submitted LOIs that include EF as primary or secondary topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.