Name | Institution | |
Jim Fast | JLAB | jfast[at] |
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres | LBNL | mgarcia-sciveres[at] |
Ian Shipsey | University of Oxford | ian.shipsey[at] |
Area | Name | Institution | |
Early Career | Katherine Dunne | Stockholm U. | katherine.dunne[at] |
Gravitational Wave | Jess McIver | UBC | mciver[at] |
This group will facilitate the identification of synergies among the Instrumentation Frontier sub-groups as well as with other Frontiers and research areas outside of HEP. The Cross Cutting and Systems Integration group covers topics related to integrating large, complex detectors into one system. In addition, the group will discuss needs and plans for necessary testbeam and irradiation facilities in the country in conjunction with the Accelerator/Technology Frontier group.
* MultiHEP2020 (virtual) Workshop moved to Nov. 9,10, and 12 2020: Please register if you would like to join.
(Please let us know if you have suggestions to add!)
Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topical group. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. Those collected by IF9 but not submitted to IF( are at the top, followed by table of those specifically submitted to IF9