Table of Contents


Frontier Conveners

Name Institution email
Phil BarbeauDuke Universitypsbarbeau[at]
Petra MerkelFermi National Accelerator Laboratorypetra[at]
Jinlong ZhangArgonne National Laboratoryzhangjl[at]


The Instrumentation Frontier group is geared to discussing detector technologies and R&D needed for future experiments in collider physics, neutrino physics, intensity physics and at the cosmic frontier. It is divided into more or less diagonal sub-groups with some overlap among a few of them. The sub-groups are Calorimetry, Cross Cutting and Systems Integration, Electronics/ASICs, Micro Pattern Gas Detectors, Noble Elements, Photon Detectors, Quantum Sensors, Solid State Detectors and Tracking, and Trigger and DAQ. Synergies between the different sub-groups, as well as with other Frontier groups and research areas outside of HEP will be paid close attention to.

The planned Snowmass-IF / CPAD Workshop in February has been canceled.
Instead we will be holding a
Snowmass-IF Community Meeting:
February 18, 2022 from 11:00 - 13:30 CT

November 19, 2021, 13:00 - 17:00 CT
Community workshop on organization of White Papers


Topical groups

Additional topics, which are not explicitly covered by any of the groups above, but will be discussed nevertheless:


Other Frontier Liaisons
Energy Frontier Maksym Titov (CEA SACLAY), Caterina Vernieri (SLAC)
Neutrino Physics Frontier Mayly Sanchez (ISU), NF10
Rare Processes and Precision Marina Artuso (Syracuse)
Cosmic Frontier Kent Irwin (SLAC), Hugh Lippincott (UCSB)
Accelerator FrontierAndy White (UTA)
Computational Frontier Darin Acosta (Florida)
Underground Facilities Eric Dahl (Northwestern), Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBNL)
Community EngagementFarah Fahim (FNAL)

Meetings and Workshops


Please follow the instruction to subscribe the IF general mailing list and IF Topical Group mailing lists.

Please join the IF Slack channels via the Snowmass Slack Invite link.

Submitted LOI

Letters of Intent submitted to Instrumentation Frontier (as primary frontier) shown in this link. Here is the list of submitted LOI that include IF as primary or secondary topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. Please go to the “topical” group to see the LOIs submitted to specific topics. Documents with “IF0” will be shown only here (no specific topic).

<hidden click here to view LoIs submitted to this frontier> </hidden>

We also summarized LOIs by topical group:

Final Reports (Draft)