Co-Conveners: Carlo Giunti (Torino), Julieta Gruszko (UNC Chapel Hill), Ben Jones (UT Arlington), Diana Parno (Carnegie Mellon U.)
Everything about a neutrino is a neutrino property! Therefore our working group has strong overlap with all the groups in the neutrino frontier. However, the following areas are centrally within the mandate of this working group:
Direct Neutrino Mass Measurements:
Tritium end-point experiments
Electron capture experiments
Any other direct (non-oscillation) methods of neutrino mass measurement
Majorana vs Dirac Fermions:
Neutrinoless double beta decay
Neutrinoless double electron capture
Two-neutrino modes
Majorana phases
Pseudo-Dirac Neutrinos
g_A, nuclear matrix elements, etc
Neutrino Electromagnetic Properties:
We will also be considering more esoteric topics like:
Neutrino lifetime
Number of active neutrinos
Gravitational interactions
Non-oscillation measures of lorentz or CP violation
And, exploring overlap with other working groups on areas including:
Mixing angles and Δm2 valies
Mass ordering
CP violation
PMNS unitarity / non-unitarity
Non-standard interactions (in oscillations, CEvNS, or cosmology)
Lorentz and CPT violation in oscillations
Coherence properties and quantum gravity connections
Light sterile neutrinos
Heavy sterile neutrinos
Collider searchers for Majorana fermions
Weak mixing angle
Astrophysical probes
Connections to dark energy or dark matter
If you are interested in these topics, please join our slack channel and our listserv.
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