Table of Contents

RF5: Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (electrons, muons and taus)


This topical group will address experimental and theoretical aspects of:

  1. Muon and tau LFV reactions (mu→e gamma, mu→3e, mu-e conversion, tau decays)
  2. Muonium-antimuonium oscillations and LFV leptonium decays
  3. Meson and baryon LFV decays (K→ pi e mu, B → K tau ell, …)
  4. Decays of heavy states (h,t,Z,Z'…) and other LFV processes at colliders
  5. Light to heavy lepton LFV transitions (EIC, muon beam,…)

This topical group will benefit from the synergies with other study groups, including


Past and future workshops organized by the CFLV group:

Snowmass meeting (July 17-14 2022), sessions relevant for CLFV:

Recording of the workshop are posted on doc-db, available here (the title doesn't always include the word recording). Please let us know (email) if you need help accessing it or wish to give a presentation

Topical group report

The topical group report is available here (link)

Contributed paper (aka white paper)

The following white papers have been submitted or planned so far:

  1. Experimental Searches for Muon to Electron Conversion in a Nucleus: COMET, DeeMe, and Mu2e ( link)
  2. The MEG experiment (TBA)
  3. The Mu3e Experiment ( link)
  4. Muonium to antimuonium conversion ( link)
  5. Mu2e-II: Muon to electron conversion with PIP-II ( link)
  6. CLFV in the tau sector ( link)
  7. CLFV in Heavy Particle Decays ( link)
  8. A New CLFV Program at Fermilab ( link)

More information can be found in this google document ( link), including the associated LOI and editor contact information.

Feel free to email us if you would like to join a group working in a specific area and we will try to match your interests.

Relevant References

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.